Matthew Louis Mauriello
Assistant Professor
Computer & Information Sciences
College of Engineering
University of Delaware
I am an Assistant Professor and Human-Computer Interaction researcher (HCI/CS) in the Department of Computer & Information Sciences at the University of Delaware as well as the director of the Sensify Lab. My research interests center around designing better user experiences with technology and tackling societal problems in the areas of: sustainability, human-building interactions, wearables, personal informatics, education, health & wellness, and games. I am open to working with talented high school, undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D students as well as postdoctoral scholars who want to develop cyber-physical and software systems in these areas. If you are interested in exploring potential opportunities to work together, please email me ( and include your CV/Resume, unofficial transcript, as well as a brief statement about how we might collaborate. If you are not a University of Delaware student then you will also need to apply and be accepted to one of our programs (e.g., undergraduate, graduate, UD K-12 Engineering) or another formal channel (e.g., REUs).
My undergraduate and early graduate work in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics was completed at the University at Albany in upstate New York. I received my PhD from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland in August of 2018. My research was advised by Dr. Jon E. Froehlich and I was an early student member of the Makeability Lab —a lablet of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab that focused on "Making with a Social Purpose". I contributed to a number of projects including the design of wearbles devices, early education technologies, and tools for DIY thermographic energy auditing which was the focus of my dissertation (see "Pervasive Thermography"). Before joining the University of Delaware, I was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University in the School of Medicine where I worked on stress and wellbeing interventions in the Pervasive Wellbeing Technology Lab with Dr. Pablo E. Paredes. I also collaborated with Stanford HCI and numerous other groups through various interdisciplinary projects. In my free time, I like to travel, hike, and contribute to indie video game projects via The Dirigiballers, LLC.