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CISC 474 (010): Advanced Web Technologies

Fall 2021, Time: TTh 9:30-10:45AM (EST) [SHL 123]
Instructor: Matthew L. Mauriello (mlm@udel.edu)
Instructor Office Hours: T 12:00-1:00PM (EST) [SMI 408] or by appointment
Teaching Assistant: Prerana Khatiwada (preranak@udel.edu)
Teaching Assistant Office Hours: M 6:20-7:00PM or Th 6:00-7:15PM [SMI 102A] or by appointment
Communications: Email and Canvas
Final Exam: T 12/14 10:30AM-12:30PM


This course deals with technologies for the World Wide Web and how they relate to enterprise level application development. In this class we will examine client server technologies necessary to create seamless and scalable applications including API development, UI design, client- and server-side programming, as well as project management. By the end of this course, you should be more able to:

This course is also a project-based course. As a result, you will work in small groups throughout the semester. Typically, Tuesdays will be for short lectures and exercises while Thursdays will be largely reserved for in-class group work on the term project.

Prerequisites: Students are expected to have completed an introductory course on software engineering; at the University of Delaware this is CISC 275.

Required Materials:Students are expected to have a laptop or personal computer capable of running several web browsers, IDE, and similar programs including: Visual Studio Code, Python 2.X/3.X, PyCharm, WebStorm, GitHub Desktop, Putty or similar terminal applications, and SFTP tools. All other materials for participating in class will be provided. If students find their term-project is restricted by the availability of resources, they are asked to reach out regarding available support; there is no guarantee but subscriptions to a web-based API, acquiring low-cost hardware, or conducting lightweight experiments on Amazon Mechanical Turk may be possible.

Full Syllabus: DOCX
Last Updated: 2021-09-02

This course draws inspiration from several sources including courses by:
Greg Silber, Michael Haggerty, Frank San Miguel,
Phil Conrad, Terry Harvey, and others.