Welcome to the Xiang-Gen Xia's Home Page
Who I am
Charles Black Evans Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
Where I am
Office: 311 Evans Hall
Phone: (302)831-6593 (o)
Fax: (302)831-2606 (o)
Email: xxia@ee.udel.edu and xianggen@gmail.com
Modulated Coding for Intersymbol Interference Channels,
New York, Marcel Dekker, Oct. 2000.
----Modulated codes are convolutional codes defined on the complex field.-----
This book summaries the author's
pioneering research during 1995-1999 on filterbank precoding for ISI channels.
Some of My Tutorials and Preprints
- Also available via
self-motivated graduate students
with good math background (students with math BS and/or higher degrees are encouraged to
Chinese Magazines
Chinese Library
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Delaware