Homework problems

  1. Assigned Sept 4, due Sept 18, CLR exercise 9.1-1, designated grader Waltz, model solution.
    [Understand the phrase "Show that ..." to mean "Write an algorithm and explain it."]

  2. Assigned Sept 11, due Sept 25, Heap properties, designated grader Murthy, model solution.

  3. Assigned Sept 11, due Sept 25, accepted Sept 30, Array parameter costs (modified Sept 24), designated grader Hundigopal, model solution (.doc).
    The original Sept 11 version - don't use it.

  4. Assigned Sept 16, due Sept 30, Stooge Sort, designated grader Lapina, model solution (.ps).

  5. Assigned Sept 23, due Oct 7, Quick random calls, designated grader Paddock, model solution (.pdf).

  6. Assigned Sept 25, due Oct 9, weighted median, designated grader Miller, model solution (.ps).

  7. Assigned Sept 30, due Oct 14, hashing, designated grader Niu, model solution.

  8. Assigned Oct 7, due Oct 16, partition. Corrected on Oct 9, designated grader Kamboj, model solution (.pdf).

  9. Assigned Oct 7, due Oct 21, red-black trees, designated grader Avinal, model solution (.pdf).

  10. Assigned Oct 9, due Oct 23, b-trees, designated grader Bloodgood, model solution.

  11. Assigned Oct 14+7, due Oct 28, Binomial Heap Insert, designated grader Charles, model solution (.doc).

  12. Assigned Oct 16+5, due Nov 4 (Oct 30+5), Accelerated Binomial Heaps, designated grader Craig, model solution.

  13. Assigned Oct 21+2, due Nov 4, b-tree select, designated grader Zhao, model solution.

  14. Assigned Oct 23+2, due Nov 6, Fibonacci Heaps, designated grader Durandetta, model solution.

  15. Assigned Oct 28+7, due Nov 11, Safe yet heavy?, designated grader Li, model solution (.pdf).

  16. Assigned Oct 30+5, due Nov 13, Weights, limited, designated grader Lin,model solution (.pdf).

  17. Assigned Nov 4+3, due Nov 18, the invariance of the weights, designated grader Luo.

  18. Assigned Nov 6+6, due Nov 20, Minimum Spanning Forests, designated grader Narra, model solution (.pdf).

  19. Assigned Nov 11+1, due Nov 25, Strongly Connected Components, designated grader Natu, model solution (.doc).

  20. Assigned Nov 13-1, due Dec 2, don't be so negative, designated grader Shah, model solution (.doc).

  21. Assigned Nov 18+6, due Dec 2, FW and TC, designated grader Stelmach, model solution (.pdf).

  22. Assigned Nov 20+4, due Dec 4, from Strassen to Pan, designated grader Stoole, model solution (.pdf).

  23. Assigned Nov 25, due Dec 9, divide and conquer poly mult, designated grader Swarnkar, model solution (.doc).

  24. Assigned Dec 2, due Dec 9, Euler tour, designated grader You, model solution (.doc).

  25. Assigned Dec 4, due Dec 9, Hamiltonian path, designated grader Pinzhoffer.

Extra credit problems are offered with no due date, designated grader is Saunders.

Homework grading Each problem will be graded by a designated student grader in the class and by the TA. When you are the designated grader, you have the following responsibilities:

  1. On the due date, collect the homework papers for the problem.
  2. Look over the solutions and based on this, write (a) a model solution to the problem, and (b) a grading summary. The summary categorizes the kinds of mistakes or inadequate solutions you've noted and how much score you think should be deducted for each sin.
  3. Meet with the TA and together go over model solution and grading summary, making adjustments as needed. This meeting must be within one week of the due date of the problem. If doubts remain, also consult Lecturer.
  4. Grade the papers according to the plan. The max score is 10 points. Write explanatory comments on the papers for each reason that points are deducted.
  5. Review the grading with the TA (and possibly Lecturer). Submit the graded papers to the TA (for recording of grades and return to the class). This must be done within two weeks of the due date of the problem.
  6. The designated grader does not submit an individual solution, but gets a grade on the problem from the TA based on the grading process.

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