Curriculum Vitae (pdf), last updated 3.2015
Teaching [on sabbatical 2015-2016 academic year]
- CISC101: Principles of Computing
- CISC106: Introduction to Computer Science I (in Python, MATLAB)
- CISC108: Introduction to Computer Science I (in Racket)
- CISC181: Introduction to Computer Science II (in Java), regular and Honors sections
- CISC220: Data Structures (in C++), regular and Honors sections
- CISC275: Introduction to Software Engineering (Java, libGDX)
- CISC357: Field Experience in Teaching Computing
- CISC360: Computer Architecture
- CISC372: Parallel Programming (MPI, OpenMP, OpenCL, Hadoop)
- CISC662: Computer Architecture (graduate)
I am currently on sabbatical at the University of Canterbury working with their Computer Science Education research group I work closely with Lori Pollock and Terry Harvey on computer science education research; this includes our NSF-sponsored effort to reach K-12 computer science, Partner4CS. I also collaborate with Keith Decker in the multi-agent systems lab on distributed constraint optimization approaches to multi-agent scheduling. I am also working with Michela Taufer and the GCLab on optimization problems within large-scale distributed computing.Publications
L. Pollock, C. Mouza, J. Atlas, T. Harvey. Field Experiences in Teaching Computer Science: Course Organization and Reflections. Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2015), 374-370, 2015.J. Atlas, K. Decker. Coordination for Uncertain Outcomes using Distributed Neighbor Exchange. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS10), 1047-1054, 2010. [PDF]
J. Atlas, T. Estrada, K. Decker, M. Taufer. Balancing Scientist Needs and Volunteer Preferences in Volunteer Computing using Constraint Optimization. To appear in the International Conference on Computational Science 2009. [PDF]
J. Atlas. A Distributed Constraint Optimization Approach for Coordination under Uncertainty. To appear in AAMAS09 [extended abstract]. [PDF]
J. Atlas, M. Warner, and K. Decker. A Memory Bounded Hybrid Approach to Distributed Constraint Optimization. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning (DCR) at AAMAS08, 37-51, 2008. [PDF]
J. Atlas, K. Decker. Task Scheduling using Constraint Optimization with Uncertainty. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Coordinating Agents' Plans and Schedules (CAPS) at AAMAS07, 25-28, 2007. [PDF]
J. Atlas, K. Decker. A Complete Distributed Constraint Optimization Method For Non-Traditional Pseudotree Arrangements. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS07), 736-743, 2007. [PDF]
J. Atlas, K. Decker, and M. Swany. Flexible Grid Workflows Using TAEMS. Proceedings of the Workshop on Exploring Planning and Scheduling for Web Services, Grid, and Autonomic Computing at AAAI05, 24-31, 2005. [PDF]
J. Atlas. Mixed Scale Coordination. University of Delaware. Technical Report. 2006.