Main.WCARInformation History

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February 19, 2010, at 03:41 PM EST by -
Changed line 32 from:

We have four female faculty, three of them are full professors. We also have X female graduate students, and over the past five years, PROPORTION of our PhD graduates have been female.


We have five female faculty, four of them are full professors. We also have X female graduate students, and over the past five years, PROPORTION of our PhD graduates have been female.

February 18, 2010, at 08:25 PM EST by -
Changed line 32 from:

We have three female faculty (tenure-track). We also have sixteen female graduate students, and over the past five years, one quarter of our PhD graduates have been female. This past summer one of our female faculty members participated in the CRA distributed mentor project.


We have four female faculty, three of them are full professors. We also have X female graduate students, and over the past five years, PROPORTION of our PhD graduates have been female.

February 18, 2010, at 08:19 PM EST by -
Changed lines 15-16 from:

CISters provide a supporting group for the women students (undergraduate and graduate) in the CS department.


CISTERS is a group of undergraduate, graduate, and faculty women in technology-driven fields at the University of Delaware. Its mission is to provide a supporting group for the women students in the CIS department. Our activities include monthly luncheons and informative seminars about career and research opportunities.

Added lines 31-32:

We have three female faculty (tenure-track). We also have sixteen female graduate students, and over the past five years, one quarter of our PhD graduates have been female. This past summer one of our female faculty members participated in the CRA distributed mentor project.

February 18, 2010, at 08:13 PM EST by -
Added line 15:

CISters provide a supporting group for the women students (undergraduate and graduate) in the CS department.

February 18, 2010, at 08:10 PM EST by -
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Institution Name


Institution Name

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Program Type


Program Type

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Program Name


Program Name

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Program Description



Program Description


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Program URL


Program URL

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WEPAN Member


WEPAN Member

Changed line 28 from:

General Comments


General Comments

February 18, 2010, at 08:10 PM EST by -
Added lines 1-28:

Institution Name

University of Delaware

Program Type


Program Name


Program Description


Can we keep Prof. McCoy as a contact?

Program URL

WEPAN Member

No ?

General Comments

M e m b e r s

E v e n t s

L i n k s

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