- Women in Engineering at the University of Delaware -- lots of information and resources for undergraduates and graduates.
- ACM's women in computing
- CRA-W Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research
- Association for Women in Computing
- National Center for Women & Information Technology
- Society of Women Engineers
- Women in Science Organizations
Conferences and Workshops
- The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing -- The conference that every woman should attend at least once in her career. Imagine meeting 1000 women in computer science from across the globe. Get informed and get inspired!
- The CRA-W hosts Graduate Student Cohorts that provide lots of information about how to succeed in graduate school and beyond. If you're a first-year graduate student, you should apply to attend.
- OurCS: Opportunites for Undergraduate Research in Computer Science -- a new conference held at CMU
Financial Resources
- N2 Women Student Fellowships
- Student Travel Award: Office of Women Affairs UD
- Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship
- AAUW fellowships and grants
- WMBC financial resources
Our Syster CISters
- Women in Computer Science @ Rutgers University
- CISters @ Northeastern University
- CISters @ the University of Pennsylvania
- Sanford Women in Computer Sciences
- CMU Women@SCS
- Women in Science and Technology Carleton University
- Dot Diva
- geekgirl's plain-english computing
- Girl geeks, the source for women in computing (good resources but not terribly current)
- Pathways: Women in Computer Science
Fun Stuff
- Think Geek Girly Geek Tees!
- Shiny Shiny, a girl's guide to gadgets.
- Geek Test. How big of a geek are you really? Take this test to quantify your inner geek!
- | A Girl's Guide to Geek Guys, by Mikki Halpin and Victoria Maat
- Piled Higher & Deeper
Other Links
AAUP: Attracting and Retaining Women in Science and Engineering
Recruiting and Retaining Women Graduate Students in Computer Science and Engineering