Hour of Code -- December 4th and 15th, 2015

CISters along with the COE's K-12 Engineering Outreach Coordinator at UD, Melissa Jurist, is holding an Hour of Code in Delaware Elementary and MIddle Schools to teach kids how to program with scratch :). See more information: Hour of Code 2015

E-textiles Workshop @ UD -- October 30th, 2015

CISters, BiSA and IEEE-w organizations at UD are organizing a E-textiles workshop for free to UD students. Come and learn how to combine electronics, programming and fabrics to create smart and fun textiles. E-textiles Workshop

NCWIT 2015 grant awarded to CISters with the support from BiSA and IEEE-w associations at UD!

CISters, with the support from the Bioinformatics Student Association (BiSA) and the IEEE-W association at UD, has been awarded by the National Center for Women and Information Technology Academic Alliance (NCWIT) and Symantec with the Student Seed Fund to support its outreach initiatives. Read more

NCWIT 2014 grant awarded to BiSA (BioInformatics Student Association) with the support from CISters!

The Bioinformatics Student Association (BiSA), with the support from CISters, has been selected to receive assistance from the National Center for Women and Information Technology Academic Alliance (NCWIT) Student Seed Fund to support its outreach initiatives. Read more

Who are we and why are we here?

CISTERS is a group of undergraduate, graduate, and faculty women in technology-driven fields at the University of Delaware. Since there's not that many of us, we thought it'd be a good idea to keep in touch and stick together. Our goal is to promote women in technology @ UD and have fun!

Contrary to our name, we are not exclusive to CIS, IS, or MIS majors -- CISTERS is open to all undergraduate, graduate, and faculty in technology driven fields.

Our Objectives

  • Promote awareness of our group within our department and throughout the University
  • Provide a supportive community for all women in technology-driven fields by initiating relevant programs, such as mentoring and early/pre-major outreach and informative seminars about career and research opportunities
  • Participation and attendance at The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. UD is an affiliate academic underwriter of the Grace Hopper Celebration!
  • Provide leadership and service opportunities for participants
  • Our current plans and activities

NCWIT grant awarded to CISters!

CISters was awarded the NCWIT Symantec Student Seed Fund for a video contest to help attracting women to CIS!

More info

Map of the CISters Web site

In this Web site you will find:

  • General information and details about our current and past events.
  • Our latest news and calendar showing upcoming events and relevant dates
  • Information about interesting opportunities such as: conferences, workshops and financial support
  • Information and schedule of the review sessions that CISters organize every semester
  • Photo and art gallery of CISters
  • If you are already a member, we have a private section with resources for members. You can request the password to any of the current CISters coordinators

Thinking about majoring in CS?

Interested in Joining Us?

Simply email us at cisters@cis.udel.edu with your name and major and we'll add you to our low-volume mailing list to keep you updated on upcoming events.

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