11-15-06 CIS Courses Panel

This event featured a panel and discussion about the new registration system and CIS courses offered in Spring 2007. Special thanks go to Phill Conrad who gave wonderful advice to our undergraduate and graduate participants and to Oana Tudor and Emily Gibson for organizing the event. Summary of Information:


The calendar says Spring registration starts on Monday Nov 20. Can I start registering for classes then?

Under the new UDSIS, you go into enrollment, then "Registration Appointment" for when you are allowed to register for classes. The order is Grad. students, then Sr-Jr-Soph-Fresh-Con.Ed.

This is not an "appointment" that you have to keep with a person---consider it, instead, an "appointment" with your computer! Given that classes are first come, first served, and registration is "immediate", it is an appointment that you probably want to be sure to keep. The staggered dates is the new way of giving priority based on seniority.

When will the printed course registration book come out?

From what we understand, never again. It is all online now. Go to the Registrar Web Site and you'll find a PDF file with the information you are looking for.

Where are the "supplemental course descriptions" for topics classses?

At a separate link on the same site.


Phill Conrad and Chair Dave Saunders start the discussion about the courses.

Undergraduate and graduate students are enthralled by the Phill's presentation.

Chrissy checks the course descriptions online.

First-year graduate students learn about what classes they should take.

Alireza and Donald learned a lot and gave advice to other students about what courses to take. Oana provided advice from many perspectives based on her experience as an undergraduate, graduate student, and a teaching assistant.

Phill demonstrated that he was smarter than a computer and was able to put the cracker into his mouth.

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