In recent years, panoramic and omnidirectional sensors have been a key technology in the development of visual perception. Omnidirectional and panoramic sensors have found numerous applications in the robotics community, including localization, navigation, visual servoing, and enhanced situational awareness for autonomous or teleoperated systems. One of the foremost communities for advancing omnidirectional sensors is OMNIVIS, also known as the Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-Classical Cameras. This workshop will cover a wide range of topics including camera networks, non-classical sensors, camera calibration, structure-from-motion and SLAM.
The workshop is open to both the computer vision community and the robotics community and hopes to build on the synergies that have developed between the two in the recent years.
The workshop is open to both the computer vision community and the robotics community and hopes to build on the synergies that have developed between the two in the recent years.
Workshop Location
Hotel Catalonia Plaza, Barcelona, Spain