University of Delaware EE Department Cadence Software Information

The cadence software offers several online instruction manuals via the command openbook &. You must first modify your startup files as described below.

Setting up your Unix environment for Cadence

Changes to the .cshrc file

Add the lines (be sure to type them exactly as you see them): set path = ($path /usr/local/cadence/tools/bin \ /usr/local/cadence/tools/dfII/bin /usr/local/cadence/tools/dfII/samples/tutorials/composer /usr/local/cadence/classes/EE650 . ) setenv CDS_LIC_FILE /usr/local/cadence/share/license/license.dat xhost xhost xhost xhost xdisplay Once this is done, save and exit .cshrc. To run layoutPlus, you will have to either type "source .cshrc" at the Unix prompt or logout and log back in.

Setting up your cadence directory

at the Unix prompt type: cp -r /usr/local/cadence/classes/EE650 . This will copy all the necessary files to run cadence for Eleg 650 (Circuit Design and Fabrication) or for research use to the directory EE650 in your account. To verify it is there, type cd cd EE650 If you receive an error, try copying the files a second time. Be patient, it may take up to 3 minutes for all of the files to copy.

Adjusting the screen colors to your preference

After playing around, I have found that some of the LayoutPlus text is difficult to read in the default colors of blue and black. The combination I have had the most success with is a white background with a black foreground. To change these, do the following: 1) Enter your .Xresources file. 2) Near the top of the file, there are parameters foreground and background. At each, enter the color desired. When you edit a line, be careful to make sure that you do not leave any spaces after the color parameters. The compiler will mistake "grey" for "grey ", and several annoying warning messages will appear. If anyone finds a better combination let me know, and we can update this file.

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