CISC 320 Syllabus

CISC 320 Algorithms and Advanced Programming

LATEST INFO frequently updated 320 Course Syllabus Saunders' Home Computer Science Dept Home


Spring, 1999

General Info Coverage and Pace Assignments and Grading Plagarism Policy Catalog entry

General Information

Course meeting time: TR 8:00-9:15am, place: 101 Recitation Hall.

Instructor: B. David Saunders
Office: 456 Smith Hall, Hours: Mon 11-12am, Wed 2-3pm and by arrangement
Email:, Phone: 831-6238

Teaching Assistant: Foster McGeary
Office: 404 Wolf Hall, 831-8004, Hours: Tu 4-6,

Textbook: Robert Sedgewick, Algorithms in C++, Addison Wesley, 1992.

The computer (composers) project number is 2094.

Coverage and pace, tentative

Fundamentals, 1 Week.
Reading: Read through chapters 1-7, paying careful attention to chapters 4 & 6.

Sorting, 1 Week.
Reading: selections from chapters 8-13.

Searching Algorithms (trees, tries, and hash tables), 2 Weeks.
Reading: chapters 14-18.

String Processing Algorithms and Cryptology, 2 Weeks.
Reading: chapters 19-23.

Computational Geometry, 2 Weeks.
Reading: chapters 24-28.

Graph Algorithms, 2 Weeks.
Reading: chapters 29-34.

Mathematical Algorithms, 2 Weeks .
Reading: chapters 35-39.

Advanced Topics, 2 Weeks.
Reading selected from chapters 40-45.
Exam schedule and grading

Quizzes, pop or scheduled, approximately weekly, 33%.
Homework Assignments, projects, classroom performance 33%.
Final exam(May 25, 1-3pm), 33%
Assignments will be distributed throughout the semester, for the most part on a weekly basis. Homework assignments are due at the start of class on the announced due date. The course homepage will contain a record of assignments and will also contain a brief summary of each class topic and the associated reading. top
Policy on plagarism
All homework, quizzes, and exams in this course are designed to be done individually. You may discuss problems in general, you may help each other by discussing strategies, bugs, etc. But the submission of another person's recorded work (in whole or in part, with or without modification of detail) is plagarism and will be handled in accordance with University procedures. Recorded work includes handwritten and other hardcopy forms as well as copy in electronic media. In accordance with copyright principles, it is acceptable to include work of another person in your own, if you explicitly identify the author and have permission. For the purposes of grading, of course, you would not receive credit for such quotations. In the context of the course, you also have an obligation to keep your own submissions confidential. If you share your written work, you also share the responsibility for resulting plagarism. Policy regarding group assignments will be posted separately. top
Catalog Entry

CISC 320 Algorithms and Advanced Programming (3 cr.)

Design and analysis of algorithms; worst-case/average-case analysis, proof techniques for correctness and performance of graph algorithms, control abstractions (divide and conquer, greedy method, branch and bound); NP-hard and NP-complete problems.


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