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.cshrc/.tcshrc file modifications

The modifications below will allow you to execute mpirun and find other MPI related files, the dxbook browser for online information about the Alpha cluster, and man pages, without specifying their full path location. A sample .(t)cshrc file with these modifications can be copied from ~pollock/public/sample.cshrc on porsche. Do NOT copy my .cshrc file in ~pollock. Alternately, just add the following to your existing .(t)chsrc file:

setenv OPENWINHOME /usr/openwin
set MYHOME = "/usr/local/users/$USER"

#for using the dxbook browser for online information about the alphas
setenv DECW_BOOK "/usr/lib/dxbook /cdrom/bookreader/decw_book"

set path = (/usr/local/mpi/mpe /usr/local/mpi/bin \
              /usr/local/mpi/lib/alpha/ch_p4 $path)
# set up MANPATH
setenv MANPATH ${MYHOME}/usr/man:/usr/man
# list of other places to look
set manpath = ( /usr/local/man /usr/local/X11R6/man /usr/local/X/man \
        /usr/local/gnu/man /usr/local/lang/man /usr/lang/man \
        /usr/lang/SC1.0/man ${OPENWINHOME}/man /usr/share/catman \
        /usr/local/uci/man /usr/local/pvm/man /usr/local/mpi/man)
# only include if it exists
foreach mandir ( ${manpath} )
  if ( -d ${mandir} ) then
      setenv MANPATH ${MANPATH}:${mandir}

Lori Pollock
Wed Feb 4 14:18:58 EST 1998