
Graph Nodes Edges MinDeg MaxDeg AvgDeg Source Download
add32 6.80E+01 9.30E+01 0 14 1.37 [UFL]
msm4312 3.09E+02 4.86E+02 0 2 1.57 [UFL]
plgr5000_2 2.37E+02 4.94E+02 0 21 2.08 [PLGR]
roadNet-TX 3.03E+02 8.04E+02 1 5 2.65 [SNAP]
plgr5000_3 3.10E+02 8.54E+02 0 23 2.75 [PLGR]
roadNet-PA 3.15E+02 9.86E+02 1 6 3.13 [SNAP]
plgr5000_1 4.02E+02 1.09E+03 0 24 2.7 [PLGR]
roadNet-CA 4.14E+02 1.38E+03 1 5 3.33 [SNAP]
plgr10000_1 4.70E+02 1.78E+03 0 31 3.79 [PLGR]
msm3727 1.56E+03 2.75E+03 0 2 1.76 [UFL]
plgr10000_2 8.96E+02 2.86E+03 0 38 3.2 [PLGR]
add20 1.00E+03 2.88E+03 0 51 2.86 [UFL]
diw0779 2.80E+03 5.21E+03 0 2 1.86 [UFL]
plgr2500_3 7.57E+02 7.42E+03 0 95 9.8 [PLGR]
as20000102 3.38E+03 7.67E+03 0 1175 2.27 [SNAP]
w3c571 4.00E+03 1.03E+04 0 6 2.57 [STLIB]
ca-GrQc 1.47E+03 1.04E+04 1 77 7.11 [SNAP]
oregon1_010407 5.04E+03 1.21E+04 0 1778 2.41 [SNAP]
oregon1_010414 5.09E+03 1.27E+04 0 1802 2.5 [SNAP]
bcsstk12 1.11E+03 1.28E+04 0 18 11.46 [UFL]
oregon1_010421 5.29E+03 1.31E+04 0 1778 2.47 [SNAP]
oregon1_010331 5.38E+03 1.31E+04 0 1808 2.43 [SNAP]
oregon1_010512 5.43E+03 1.32E+04 0 1852 2.42 [SNAP]
oregon1_010428 5.39E+03 1.32E+04 0 1800 2.46 [SNAP]
oregon1_010505 5.56E+03 1.36E+04 0 1812 2.44 [SNAP]
oregon1_010519 5.56E+03 1.36E+04 0 1791 2.45 [SNAP]
p2p_7 5.56E+03 1.37E+04 0 160 2.46 [UP2P]
oregon1_010526 5.56E+03 1.37E+04 0 1776 2.46 [SNAP]
p2p-Gnutella08 3.33E+03 1.39E+04 0 48 4.19 [SNAP]
p2p_5 6.90E+03 1.61E+04 0 141 2.33 [UP2P]
p2p-Gnutella09 4.29E+03 1.77E+04 0 54 4.13 [SNAP]
plgr2500_2 1.06E+03 1.93E+04 0 170 18.21 [PLGR]
fxm3_6 2.50E+03 1.93E+04 0 118 7.72 [UFL]
oregon2_010505 5.44E+03 1.95E+04 0 1862 3.58 [SNAP]
p2p_2 5.40E+03 2.04E+04 0 176 3.78 [UP2P]
oregon2_010407 5.40E+03 2.04E+04 0 1776 3.78 [SNAP]
oregon2_010428 5.29E+03 2.04E+04 0 1795 3.86 [SNAP]
oregon2_010331 5.16E+03 2.05E+04 0 1788 3.97 [SNAP]
p2p_1 5.16E+03 2.05E+04 0 180 3.97 [UP2P]
oregon2_010512 5.49E+03 2.06E+04 0 1817 3.75 [SNAP]
p2p_4 5.34E+03 2.09E+04 0 206 3.92 [UP2P]
oregon2_010421 5.34E+03 2.09E+04 0 1798 3.92 [SNAP]
oregon2_010414 5.20E+03 2.10E+04 0 1786 4.05 [SNAP]
p2p_3 5.20E+03 2.10E+04 0 198 4.05 [UP2P]
oregon2_010519 5.42E+03 2.11E+04 0 1816 3.89 [SNAP]
oregon2_010526 5.42E+03 2.13E+04 0 1801 3.93 [SNAP]
p2p-Gnutella06 5.13E+03 2.27E+04 0 113 4.41 [SNAP]
memplus 9.13E+03 2.32E+04 0 330 2.54 [UFL]
d20 9.80E+02 2.40E+04 8 43 24.52 [STLIB]
p2p-Gnutella05 5.46E+03 2.41E+04 0 51 4.42 [SNAP]
p2p_6 6.88E+03 2.43E+04 0 180 3.53 [UP2P]
p2p-Gnutella04 6.41E+03 2.92E+04 0 100 4.56 [SNAP]
ca-HepTh 4.77E+03 3.05E+04 1 62 6.41 [SNAP]
p2p-Gnutella25 1.04E+04 3.39E+04 0 63 3.27 [SNAP]
bcsstk13 2.00E+03 4.09E+04 0 61 20.46 [UFL]
p2p-Gnutella24 1.25E+04 4.23E+04 0 64 3.38 [SNAP]
Peku01-25 7.36E+03 4.96E+04 0 56 6.74 [DRIBM]
p2p-Gnutella30 1.51E+04 5.06E+04 0 35 3.36 [SNAP]
Peko01 7.85E+03 5.33E+04 0 58 6.79 [DRIBM]
as-caida20071105 1.14E+04 5.74E+04 1 2628 5.02 [SNAP]
bcsstk24 3.11E+03 6.50E+04 0 29 20.87 [UFL]
Peku01-100 9.04E+03 6.62E+04 0 62 7.33 [DRIBM]
Peku01-75 9.09E+03 6.70E+04 0 62 7.37 [DRIBM]
Peku01-50 9.15E+03 6.78E+04 0 53 7.41 [DRIBM]
Peku01-200 9.75E+03 7.59E+04 0 64 7.79 [DRIBM]
email-EuAll 1.68E+04 7.62E+04 0 554 4.53 [SNAP]
Peku01-500 1.06E+04 8.81E+04 0 64 8.33 [DRIBM]
p2p-Gnutella31 2.82E+04 9.43E+04 0 74 3.34 [SNAP]
wiki-Vote 3.81E+03 9.60E+04 0 893 25.2 [SNAP]
Peku01-1000 1.11E+04 9.78E+04 0 66 8.8 [DRIBM]
msc23052 5.72E+03 1.03E+05 0 53 18.07 [UFL]
fxm4_6 8.36E+03 1.06E+05 0 298 12.64 [UFL]
vibrobox 9.66E+03 1.12E+05 0 95 11.6 [UFL]
ca-CondMat 1.31E+04 1.26E+05 1 254 9.6 [SNAP]
finan512 4.59E+04 1.29E+05 0 38 2.82 [UFL]
ca-HepPh 7.24E+03 2.02E+05 1 491 27.92 [SNAP]
email-Enron 9.66E+03 2.25E+05 1 1266 23.28 [UFL]
web-NotreDame 5.64E+04 2.35E+05 0 2660 4.17 [SNAP]
bcsstk29 1.21E+04 2.85E+05 0 47 23.57 [UFL]
Xyce_ASIC_680k_Stripped1 2.71E+05 3.22E+05 0 64 1.19 [SNL]
ca-AstroPh 1.35E+04 3.46E+05 1 500 25.72 [SNAP]
soc-Epinions1 2.29E+04 3.89E+05 0 1612 17 [SNAP]
soc-sign-Slashdot081106 2.78E+04 3.91E+05 0 383 14.07 [SNAP]
soc-sign-Slashdot090216 2.91E+04 4.10E+05 0 395 14.1 [SNAP]
soc-sign-Slashdot090221 2.93E+04 4.13E+05 0 388 14.12 [SNAP]
msc10848 1.08E+04 6.08E+05 0 722 56.1 [UFL]
soc-Slashdot0811 2.68E+04 6.24E+05 0 2186 23.31 [SNAP]
soc-sign-epinions 3.61E+04 6.40E+05 0 2034 17.72 [SNAP]
amazon0302 1.45E+05 6.46E+05 0 5 4.46 [SNAP]
soc-Slashdot0902 2.86E+04 6.58E+05 0 2226 23.04 [SNAP]
bcsstk32 3.45E+04 7.61E+05 0 191 22.05 [UFL]
twotone 1.07E+05 8.97E+05 0 104 8.38 [UFL]
web-Stanford 1.23E+05 1.41E+06 0 244 11.48 [SNAP]
gearbox1 5.19E+04 1.68E+06 0 80 32.35 [UFL]
wiki-Talk 2.32E+05 1.74E+06 0 100022 7.47 [SNAP]
amazon0312 2.77E+05 2.29E+06 0 10 8.26 [SNAP]
amazon0505 2.82E+05 2.42E+06 0 10 8.57 [SNAP]
web-Google 3.57E+05 2.48E+06 0 310 6.95 [SNAP]
gupta3 1.68E+04 4.65E+06 0 701 277.26 [UFL]
web-BerkStan 3.33E+05 4.71E+06 0 249 14.16 [SNAP]
as-skitter 5.55E+05 5.80E+06 0 29838 10.45 [SNAP]

Note that some graphs in this benchmark are slightly different from the original graphs in the benchmarks listed below.

Under construction

Welcome to the Minimum Logarithmic Arrangement (MinLogA) Results Archive. The archive contains a benchmark of directed and undirected graphs and numerical results for them. The numerical results for this problem are of particular interest because of their importance for the large-scale network compression [CKLMPR]. We will be more than happy to increase this benchmark by adding more interesting networks, new solutions, relevant references and other related material.

Problem definition and notation

Let G=(V,E) be a directed graph, where V={1,2,...,n} is the set of nodes and E is the set of directed edges. If ij ∈ E then there exist an edge i → j. Denote by w(ij) the non-negative weight of the directed edge ij; if ij ∉ E then w(ij)=0. Let φ be a bijection
φ : V → {1,2,...,n} .
The purpose of the MinLogA is to minimize
c(φ)= Σij∈ E w(ij)log2|φ(i)-φ(j)|
over all possible permutations φ.
Denote by BPL the average number of bits per link, c(φ)/Σij∈ E w(ij). Note that in our benchmarks all graphs are directed. The undirected version of them is obtained by simple symmetrization of all edges.





Graph Nodes Edges MinDeg MaxDeg AvgDeg Native Lexicographic Gray Double shingle Random MinLA ms-GMLogA Native Lexicographic Gray Double shingle LayeredLPA Random MinLA ms-GMLogA
add20 1.00E+03 2.88E+03 0 51 2.86 5.48 6.24 6.24 7.03 7.87 3.12 3.03 5.48 5.55 5.53 6.69 3.92 7.87 3.12 3.03
add32 6.80E+01 9.30E+01 0 14 1.37 3.68 3.82 3.81 4.11 4.12 0.81 0.8 3.68 4.3 4.25 3.68 1.35 4.12 0.81 0.8
amazon0302 1.45E+05 6.46E+05 0 5 4.46 11.23 9.68 9.69 11.96 14.98 3.31 2.85 11.69 10.36 10.36 12.3 4.76 14.98 3.86 3.34
amazon0312 2.77E+05 2.29E+06 0 10 8.26 12.35 10.68 10.68 12.19 15.92 4.5 3.99 13.05 11.36 11.36 12.96 6.07 15.92 5.12 4.58
amazon0505 2.82E+05 2.42E+06 0 10 8.57 12.19 10.64 10.64 12.12 15.94 4.54 4.03 12.85 11.41 11.41 12.96 6.04 15.94 5.17 4.63
as-caida20071105 1.14E+04 5.74E+04 1 2628 5.02 11.08 10.75 10.83 10.78 11.31 6.85 6.32 11.08 10.75 10.83 11.02 7.13 11.31 6.85 6.32
as-skitter 5.55E+05 5.80E+06 0 29838 10.45 15.62 15.65 15.65 16.15 16.93 9.36 8.73 15.62 15.63 15.63 15.91 9.66 16.93 9.36 8.73
as20000102 3.38E+03 7.67E+03 0 1175 2.27 9.04 9.37 9.37 9.43 9.48 5.84 5.51 9.04 8.97 9.16 9.34 6.17 9.48 5.84 5.51
bcsstk12 1.11E+03 1.28E+04 0 18 11.46 4.14 4.17 4.16 6.34 7.96 3.47 3.2 4.14 4.07 4.07 5.57 3.79 7.96 3.47 3.2
bcsstk13 2.00E+03 4.09E+04 0 61 20.46 5.51 5.54 5.54 7.29 8.8 5.06 4.72 5.51 5.83 5.82 6.8 5.38 8.8 5.06 4.72
bcsstk24 3.11E+03 6.50E+04 0 29 20.87 5.08 5.1 5.1 7.3 9.45 4.52 4.13 5.08 5.03 5.03 6.33 4.88 9.45 4.52 4.13
bcsstk29 1.21E+04 2.85E+05 0 47 23.57 6.63 6.68 6.68 8.86 11.4 4.94 4.34 6.63 6.64 6.65 7.85 5.13 11.4 4.94 4.34
bcsstk32 3.45E+04 7.61E+05 0 191 22.05 5.94 5.98 5.98 9.98 12.91 4.93 4.42 5.94 6.11 6.11 8.59 5.4 12.91 4.93 4.42
ca-AstroPh 1.35E+04 3.46E+05 1 500 25.72 11.49 8.93 8.92 8.95 11.54 7.03 6.31 11.49 8.93 8.92 8.73 6.94 11.54 7.03 6.31
ca-CondMat 1.31E+04 1.26E+05 1 254 9.6 11.37 9.18 9.18 9.01 11.52 5.35 4.72 11.37 9.18 9.18 9.06 5.51 11.52 5.35 4.72
ca-GrQc 1.47E+03 1.04E+04 1 77 7.11 8.27 5.79 5.78 5.83 8.39 2.82 2.7 8.27 5.79 5.78 5.88 3.26 8.39 2.82 2.7
ca-HepPh 7.24E+03 2.02E+05 1 491 27.92 10.59 7.21 7.17 7.01 10.65 5.64 5.54 10.59 7.21 7.17 7.18 5.87 10.65 5.64 5.54
ca-HepTh 4.77E+03 3.05E+04 1 62 6.41 9.93 8.39 8.38 8.38 10.05 4.26 3.82 9.93 8.39 8.38 8.38 4.58 10.05 4.26 3.82
d20 9.80E+02 2.40E+04 8 43 24.52 7.78 7.78 7.79 7.79 7.79 7.11 7.25 7.78 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.29 7.79 7.11 7.25
diw0779 2.80E+03 5.21E+03 0 2 1.86 3.46 3.58 3.59 9.3 9.3 1.76 1.53 3.46 3.47 3.41 9.32 3.57 9.3 1.76 1.53
email-Enron 9.66E+03 2.25E+05 1 1266 23.28 9.3 9.43 9.44 9.62 11.09 7.38 7.06 9.3 9.43 9.44 9.43 7.62 11.09 7.38 7.06
email-EuAll 1.68E+04 7.62E+04 0 554 4.53 10.39 10.39 10.34 9.9 11.87 7.12 7.25 10.64 10.18 10.12 9.95 7.75 11.87 7.26 7.36
finan512 4.59E+04 1.29E+05 0 38 2.82 7.17 8.02 8.01 12.15 13.31 3.06 2.68 7.17 3.71 3.64 11.45 4.04 13.31 3.06 2.68
fxm3_6 2.50E+03 1.93E+04 0 118 7.72 4.52 4.97 4.96 7.39 9.12 2.95 2.94 4.52 3.97 4 6.05 3.35 9.12 2.95 2.94
fxm4_6 8.36E+03 1.06E+05 0 298 12.64 6.17 6.71 6.71 8.28 10.86 3.66 3.66 6.17 4.59 4.61 6.78 4.03 10.86 3.66 3.66
gearbox1 5.19E+04 1.68E+06 0 80 32.35 7.32 7.34 7.34 11 13.5 6.51 5.42 7.32 7.16 7.17 9.83 6.43 13.5 6.51 5.42
gupta3 1.68E+04 4.65E+06 0 701 277.26 12.04 11.96 11.96 11.97 11.85 10.6 10.57 12.04 11.8 11.8 11.93 10.75 11.85 10.6 10.57
memplus 9.13E+03 2.32E+04 0 330 2.54 8.33 9.86 9.85 10.13 10.99 3.84 3.64 8.33 8.59 8.63 9.47 4.52 10.99 3.84 3.64
msc10848 1.08E+04 6.08E+05 0 722 56.1 9.53 9.47 9.47 9.11 11.25 6 5.59 9.53 7.91 7.87 8.2 6.24 11.25 6 5.59
msc23052 5.72E+03 1.03E+05 0 53 18.07 8.48 8.5 8.5 7.75 10.33 3.61 3.52 8.48 5.77 5.73 6.5 4.07 10.33 3.61 3.52
msm3727 1.56E+03 2.75E+03 0 2 1.76 3.03 3.15 3.16 8.37 8.5 1.66 1.45 3.03 3.31 3.21 8.46 3.19 8.5 1.66 1.45
msm4312 3.09E+02 4.86E+02 0 2 1.57 2.1 2.37 2.41 6.14 6.11 1.17 1.11 2.1 2.41 2.3 6.17 2.14 6.11 1.17 1.11
oregon1_010331 5.38E+03 1.31E+04 0 1808 2.43 9.93 9.86 9.87 9.71 10.13 6.36 6.05 9.93 9.69 9.52 10.03 6.67 10.13 6.36 6.05
oregon1_010407 5.04E+03 1.21E+04 0 1778 2.41 9.89 9.83 9.83 9.68 10.1 6.38 6.18 9.89 9.63 9.45 9.64 6.64 10.1 6.38 6.18
oregon1_010414 5.09E+03 1.27E+04 0 1802 2.5 9.83 9.76 9.77 9.75 10.15 6.38 6.21 9.83 9.62 9.44 9.39 7.05 10.15 6.38 6.21
oregon1_010421 5.29E+03 1.31E+04 0 1778 2.47 9.91 9.82 9.83 9.75 10.17 6.37 6.08 9.91 9.66 9.48 9.76 6.85 10.17 6.37 6.08
oregon1_010428 5.39E+03 1.32E+04 0 1800 2.46 9.95 9.9 9.91 9.84 10.19 6.43 6.15 9.95 9.69 9.51 9.94 6.99 10.19 6.43 6.15
oregon1_010505 5.56E+03 1.36E+04 0 1812 2.44 9.98 9.94 9.95 9.88 10.32 6.33 6.09 9.98 9.75 9.6 10 6.81 10.32 6.33 6.09
oregon1_010512 5.43E+03 1.32E+04 0 1852 2.42 9.98 9.91 9.91 9.86 10.25 6.41 6.21 9.98 9.72 9.56 9.63 6.66 10.25 6.41 6.21
oregon1_010519 5.56E+03 1.36E+04 0 1791 2.45 9.99 9.94 9.94 9.84 10.3 6.35 6.13 9.99 9.8 9.65 10.05 6.99 10.3 6.35 6.13
oregon1_010526 5.56E+03 1.37E+04 0 1776 2.46 9.95 9.89 9.9 9.84 10.25 6.27 6.08 9.95 9.71 9.55 9.93 6.75 10.25 6.27 6.09
oregon2_010331 5.16E+03 2.05E+04 0 1788 3.97 9.58 9.32 9.32 8.97 10.18 5.96 5.73 9.58 9.25 9.1 8.85 6.44 10.18 5.96 5.73
oregon2_010407 5.40E+03 2.04E+04 0 1776 3.78 9.68 9.4 9.41 9.14 10.31 5.97 5.74 9.68 9.35 9.21 8.63 6.55 10.31 5.97 5.74
oregon2_010414 5.20E+03 2.10E+04 0 1786 4.05 9.62 9.36 9.37 8.93 10.2 5.96 5.77 9.62 9.25 9.1 8.84 6.33 10.2 5.96 5.77
oregon2_010421 5.34E+03 2.09E+04 0 1798 3.92 9.65 9.4 9.41 9.12 10.21 5.94 5.78 9.65 9.29 9.15 8.98 6.35 10.21 5.94 5.78
oregon2_010428 5.29E+03 2.04E+04 0 1795 3.86 9.63 9.36 9.37 9.03 10.26 6.04 5.87 9.63 9.33 9.18 8.88 6.4 10.26 6.04 5.87
oregon2_010505 5.44E+03 1.95E+04 0 1862 3.58 9.69 9.47 9.48 9.14 10.21 6.03 5.9 9.69 9.43 9.29 8.93 6.52 10.21 6.03 5.9
oregon2_010512 5.49E+03 2.06E+04 0 1817 3.75 9.7 9.49 9.49 9.13 10.25 5.95 5.76 9.7 9.36 9.22 9.15 6.36 10.25 5.95 5.76
oregon2_010519 5.42E+03 2.11E+04 0 1816 3.89 9.66 9.42 9.43 9.2 10.29 5.99 5.84 9.66 9.26 9.12 9.07 6.55 10.29 5.99 5.84
oregon2_010526 5.42E+03 2.13E+04 0 1801 3.93 9.65 9.39 9.4 9.21 10.3 5.98 5.83 9.65 9.3 9.15 9.45 6.42 10.3 5.98 5.83
p2p_1 5.16E+03 2.05E+04 0 180 3.97 9.58 9.35 9.2 9.19 10.18 5.96 5.73 9.58 9.25 9.1 8.78 6.44 10.18 5.96 5.73
p2p_2 5.40E+03 2.04E+04 0 176 3.78 9.68 9.46 9.33 9.2 10.31 5.97 5.83 9.68 9.35 9.21 9.13 6.55 10.31 5.97 5.83
p2p_3 5.20E+03 2.10E+04 0 198 4.05 9.62 9.35 9.21 9.19 10.2 5.96 5.77 9.62 9.25 9.1 8.98 6.33 10.2 5.96 5.77
p2p_4 5.34E+03 2.09E+04 0 206 3.92 9.65 9.4 9.26 9.39 10.21 5.97 5.77 9.65 9.29 9.15 9.03 6.35 10.21 5.97 5.77
p2p_5 6.90E+03 1.61E+04 0 141 2.33 10.42 10.3 10.18 10.35 10.62 6.44 6.2 10.42 10.15 10.01 10.13 6.9 10.62 6.44 6.2
p2p_6 6.88E+03 2.43E+04 0 180 3.53 10.1 9.71 9.57 9.65 10.61 6.2 5.97 10.1 9.61 9.45 9.38 6.64 10.61 6.2 5.97
p2p_7 5.56E+03 1.37E+04 0 160 2.46 9.95 9.9 9.74 10 10.25 6.3 5.97 9.95 9.71 9.55 9.87 6.75 10.25 6.3 5.97
p2p-Gnutella04 6.41E+03 2.92E+04 0 100 4.56 9.94 10.49 10.49 10.5 10.48 8.06 7.62 9.94 10.05 10.05 10.28 8.69 10.48 8.06 7.62
p2p-Gnutella05 5.46E+03 2.41E+04 0 51 4.42 9.3 10.21 10.21 10.3 10.24 7.63 7.25 9.3 9.41 9.41 10.1 8.45 10.24 7.63 7.25
p2p-Gnutella06 5.13E+03 2.27E+04 0 113 4.41 9.31 10.19 10.19 10.21 10.17 7.52 7.13 9.31 9.37 9.37 9.99 8.44 10.17 7.52 7.13
p2p-Gnutella08 3.33E+03 1.39E+04 0 48 4.19 8.74 9.37 9.37 9.47 9.54 6.63 6.36 8.74 8.47 8.47 9.27 7.56 9.54 6.63 6.36
p2p-Gnutella09 4.29E+03 1.77E+04 0 54 4.13 9.03 9.81 9.81 9.97 9.9 6.98 6.67 9.03 8.88 8.88 9.69 7.91 9.9 6.98 6.67
p2p-Gnutella24 1.25E+04 4.23E+04 0 64 3.38 10.05 11.33 11.34 11.45 11.46 8.78 7.72 10.05 10.4 10.4 11.52 8.82 11.46 8.78 7.72
p2p-Gnutella25 1.04E+04 3.39E+04 0 63 3.27 9.8 11.1 11.11 11.21 11.18 8.31 7.27 9.8 10.09 10.09 10.97 8.32 11.18 8.31 7.27
p2p-Gnutella30 1.51E+04 5.06E+04 0 35 3.36 10.59 11.58 11.58 11.71 11.72 8.66 7.53 10.59 10.69 10.69 11.45 8.66 11.72 8.66 7.53
p2p-Gnutella31 2.82E+04 9.43E+04 0 74 3.34 11.04 12.43 12.44 12.62 12.63 9.58 8.26 11.04 11.63 11.63 12.35 9.54 12.63 9.58 8.26
Peko01 7.85E+03 5.33E+04 0 58 6.79 10.63 10.64 10.63 8.31 10.77 2.45 2.41 10.63 6.25 6.24 6.2 3.11 10.77 2.45 2.41
Peku01-100 9.04E+03 6.62E+04 0 62 7.33 10.88 10.88 10.88 8.45 10.99 2.64 2.58 10.88 6.39 6.38 6.24 3.27 10.99 2.64 2.58
Peku01-1000 1.11E+04 9.78E+04 0 66 8.8 11.25 11.23 11.23 8.93 11.28 3.85 3.62 11.25 7.16 7.15 7.11 4.26 11.28 3.85 3.62
Peku01-200 9.75E+03 7.59E+04 0 64 7.79 11.01 11.01 11.01 8.56 11.1 2.79 2.74 11.01 6.5 6.49 6.52 3.45 11.1 2.79 2.74
Peku01-25 7.36E+03 4.96E+04 0 56 6.74 10.52 10.52 10.52 8.14 10.68 2.46 2.44 10.52 6.16 6.15 6.22 3.11 10.68 2.46 2.44
Peku01-50 9.15E+03 6.78E+04 0 53 7.41 10.89 10.89 10.88 8.36 11 2.61 2.56 10.89 6.4 6.39 6.28 3.26 11 2.61 2.56
Peku01-500 1.06E+04 8.81E+04 0 64 8.33 11.17 11.16 11.16 8.8 11.21 3.18 3.06 11.17 6.75 6.74 6.81 3.74 11.21 3.18 3.06
Peku01-75 9.09E+03 6.70E+04 0 62 7.37 10.88 10.87 10.87 8.43 10.99 2.6 2.56 10.88 6.42 6.41 6.26 3.26 10.99 2.6 2.56
plgr10000_1 4.70E+02 1.78E+03 0 31 3.79 6.32 6.45 6.44 6.63 6.76 4.57 4.51 6.32 6.53 6.52 6.53 5.42 6.76 4.57 4.51
plgr10000_2 8.96E+02 2.86E+03 0 38 3.2 6.9 7.09 7.07 7.44 7.66 4.98 4.87 6.9 7.1 7.08 7.26 5.65 7.66 4.98 4.87
plgr2500_2 1.06E+03 1.93E+04 0 170 18.21 7.08 7.11 7.11 7.23 7.87 6.51 7.03 7.08 7.37 7.33 7.39 6.77 7.87 6.51 7.03
plgr2500_3 7.57E+02 7.42E+03 0 95 9.8 6.61 6.68 6.67 7.42 7.39 5.85 6.21 6.61 6.87 6.84 6.98 6.32 7.39 5.85 6.21
plgr5000_1 4.02E+02 1.09E+03 0 24 2.7 5.84 6.01 6.01 6.41 6.46 3.82 3.79 5.84 6.05 6.06 6.3 4.9 6.46 3.82 3.79
plgr5000_2 2.37E+02 4.94E+02 0 21 2.08 5.09 5.5 5.49 5.71 5.86 2.78 2.76 5.09 5.2 5.2 5.71 3.76 5.86 2.78 2.76
plgr5000_3 3.10E+02 8.54E+02 0 23 2.75 5.44 5.69 5.68 5.99 6.21 3.67 3.58 5.44 5.76 5.75 5.97 4.43 6.21 3.67 3.58
roadNet-CA 4.14E+02 1.38E+03 1 5 3.33 2.81 2.97 2.97 6.29 6.59 1.4 1.33 2.81 2.97 2.97 6.46 2.48 6.59 1.4 1.33
roadNet-PA 3.15E+02 9.86E+02 1 6 3.13 2.06 2.13 2.13 5.81 6.24 1.12 1.07 2.06 2.13 2.13 6.1 2.13 6.24 1.12 1.07
roadNet-TX 3.03E+02 8.04E+02 1 5 2.65 2.5 2.33 2.34 5.87 6.04 0.83 0.78 2.5 2.33 2.34 6.09 1.56 6.04 0.83 0.78
soc-Epinions1 2.29E+04 3.89E+05 0 1612 17 10.6 10.8 10.78 10.88 12.32 9.35 9.24 10.69 10.8 10.78 10.91 9.37 12.32 9.55 9.48
soc-sign-epinions 3.61E+04 6.40E+05 0 2034 17.72 11.86 11.29 11.25 11.28 12.98 10.05 9.75 11.94 11.25 11.2 11.26 9.63 12.98 10.24 10
soc-sign-Slashdot081106 2.78E+04 3.91E+05 0 383 14.07 11.82 12.16 12.15 11.99 12.6 10.85 10.45 11.9 11.79 11.79 11.77 10.59 12.61 10.93 10.59
soc-sign-Slashdot090216 2.91E+04 4.10E+05 0 395 14.1 11.88 12.23 12.21 12.11 12.68 10.86 10.49 11.96 11.83 11.82 11.83 10.71 12.68 10.94 10.62
soc-sign-Slashdot090221 2.93E+04 4.13E+05 0 388 14.12 11.88 12.22 12.21 12.16 12.66 10.93 10.48 11.95 11.83 11.82 11.87 10.51 12.67 11 10.62
soc-Slashdot0811 2.68E+04 6.24E+05 0 2186 23.31 11.82 11.77 11.77 11.77 12.55 10.84 10.54 11.85 11.8 11.8 11.74 10.52 12.55 10.88 10.63
soc-Slashdot0902 2.86E+04 6.58E+05 0 2226 23.04 11.9 11.85 11.85 11.85 12.63 10.9 10.58 11.94 11.87 11.87 11.79 10.71 12.63 10.94 10.65
twotone 1.07E+05 8.97E+05 0 104 8.38 8.71 10.36 10.35 13.76 14.55 6.85 6.23 8.71 9.52 9.51 13.56 7.54 14.55 6.85 6.23
vibrobox 9.66E+03 1.12E+05 0 95 11.6 9.27 9.38 9.38 9.5 11.07 5.74 4.93 9.27 6.91 6.89 8.58 5.98 11.07 5.74 4.93
w3c571 4.00E+03 1.03E+04 0 6 2.57 1.69 10.53 10.53 10.67 9.81 1.5 1.46 1.69 1.69 1.65 9.83 2.13 9.81 1.5 1.46
web-BerkStan 3.33E+05 4.71E+06 0 249 14.16 9.1 8.96 8.96 12.28 16.22 7.54 7.14 9.65 9.68 9.63 13.94 7.9 16.23 8.09 7.68
web-Google 3.57E+05 2.48E+06 0 310 6.95 16.23 11.37 11.37 11.18 16.29 3.77 3.67 16.24 12.99 12.99 12.57 5.36 16.29 4.16 4.03
web-NotreDame 5.64E+04 2.35E+05 0 2660 4.17 10.14 9.64 9.68 11.68 13.63 5 4.83 10.67 9.87 9.85 12.15 5.9 13.63 5.37 5.18
web-Stanford 1.23E+05 1.41E+06 0 244 11.48 14.61 11.84 11.84 11.77 14.73 6.64 6.5 14.65 13.1 13.11 13.19 7.24 14.73 7.13 6.97
wiki-Talk 2.32E+05 1.74E+06 0 100022 7.47 13.4 13.62 13.59 13.67 15.67 12.77 12.56 13.69 13.69 13.69 13.68 12.2 15.67 12.83 12.56
wiki-Vote 3.81E+03 9.60E+04 0 893 25.2 8.46 9.61 9.58 9.22 9.73 7.29 7.38 8.49 8.86 8.86 9.08 7.82 9.73 7.32 7.41
Xyce_ASIC_680k_Stripped1 2.71E+05 3.22E+05 0 64 1.19 4.55 6.48 7.1 15.35 15.87 2.19 2.05 4.55 5.31 5.3 15.23 3.02 15.87 2.19 2.05

Contact information

Ilya Safro
School of Computing
Clemson University
Email: isafro at