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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


Course Objectives

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After taking this course, you should be able to:

  • Define a new problem to be solved in terms of searching for a solution. Understand several search algorithms, and which ones are most likely to be useful in which problem-solving environments.
  • Represent symbolic knowledge about an agent's environment. Understand several logical inference methods for reasoning about this knowledge in order to decide what to do.
  • Put these techniques together to build computer programs that plan ---search for appropriate sequences of actions--- when solving problems in an environment.
  • Understand techniques to represent and reason about uncertain knowledge, including uncertainty about the outcomes of agent actions, or the causes of an observable fact.
  • Write a computer program that learns, i.e., modifies itself (by gathering new knowledge) so that it succeeds at solving a problem at which it initially failed.

Parts of the course are subject to change to meet your needs as students.

  The lectures will focus on examples of the principles discussed in the text, rather than rehashing the text itself. Therefore it is very important that you read the required chapter BEFORE coming to class.