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Lisp Programming Resources

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Our project number on the Composers is 2050 (CISC481) and 2051 (CISC681)

(Spring 2007)


Pau Graham, ANSI COMMON LISP. Read Chapters 2,3,4, 5.1–5.4, 7.1–7.3, 14.5.

Free Lispworks Personal Edition for Linux, MacOS, and Windows Download

The On-line Reference Manuals for Liquid Common Lisp  Note that this is what is on the composers; the Lispworks Personal Edition is somewhat different and has its own documentation.

An HTML version of the official ANSI specification for Lisp. Complete reference definitions for everything (but not a tutorial, obviously!) This can be a bit hard to read, see the next source for a wordier description

Paul Graham's Lisp Resources

Some other on-line Lisp Tutorials

  • Marty Hall's Learning Common Lisp Page. This is where those short descriptive handouts came from!
  • ELM-ART, an interactive  Lisp Tutor. You can do the examples , and the program will critique your work! Uses a fancy interactive WWW server written in Lisp, what else :-)