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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Grading Policies

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Homeworks: There will be about 6 written homeworks, due as indicated in the calendar. They cannot be handed in late since we will typically discuss them in class on the day they are due.

Programs: There will be about 3 programming assignments. Programming assignments are also due at the start of class, but can be handed in late. After the start of class, a program is considered 1 day late and loses 15% of its value for each day it is late.

Exams: There will be a midterm and a final exam.

481 vs. 681: The undergraduates are graded separately and on a separate curve, usually about 7 points below the graduate students. Different HW and Exam problems are sometimes given. Graduate Students are responsible for the material in Chapter 6 of the book on Adversarial Search, which is not covered in this course.

Overall Course Grade:
      20% Final
      20% Midterm
      30% Programs
      30% Homework

Assignments are due at the beginning of class.

The syllabus and all accompanying dates are subject to change at any time; all such changes will be announced in class and updated on the web pages.

Cooperative efforts at understanding the material conceptually are encouraged. However, all written work and programs you turn in must be your own (except for the shared library code we may be using, as explained in the programming assignments). Submitting work that is not your own is considered cheating, as per Departmental and University policy .

If you can't come for scheduled office hours, please send me email; I'd be happy to schedule a meeting at some other mutually-agreed upon time.