Home Page
The Chimera Project Site
Chimera is a supercomputer for high performance scientific computation at the University of Delaware. It was purchased in 2010 with a grant from the National Science Foundation, award CNS-0958512.
This Wiki is a collective project undertaken by the users of Chimera. Everyone may contribute by adding, updating, and editing the information here, but please be careful to keep the information correct and relevant.
- Getting Started: getting an account and setting up your environment
- Quick Start: how to log on, compile and execute an MPI program
- Getting Help: how to get help with problems
- SLURM Queue Manager: the process manager used on Chimera
- modules: the modules package for easily managing your environment
- Background: background on the Chimera project and the people involved
- Hardware: description of the Chimera hardware
- Software: description of the Chimera software environment
- Storage: description and organization of the storage system
- MPI Resources: notes on MPI and related tools
- OpenMP Resources: notes on OpenMP and related tools
- Booting with PXELinux and Frisbee
- Creating new Chimera users
- Java: how to run Java programs on Chimera
- MPE: Profiling MPI program
- Benchmarks: Benchmarks for measuring bandwidth