Geometric Modeling


This project focuses on developing theoretical foundations of ray differential geometry, studying visual phenomenon such as reflection refraction distortions and caustics using ray geometry, and applying them to shape acquisition, geometric modeling, and computer graphics. Our proposed theoretical framework is explicitly developed to characterize the geometric ray structures and to compute the ray differential attributes. For applications, we apply the differential geometry analysis to modeling the reflection/refraction rays. Specifically, we will develop practical algorithms and acquisition systems to robustly reconstruct ray geometry and use them to directly estimate second-order surface characteristics such as the curvatures. We have employed a new normal-ray representation to convert a smooth 3D surface into a 2D ray manifold and compute surface differential geometry using the first-order ray differential analysis. This will lead to a real-time discrete shape operator. We further plan to develop new interpolation schemes for creating smooth surfaces consistent with the underlying caustic surfaces and normal-ray geometry. The development of these tools will benefit shape designs in aircraft, automobile, and many other industries, where higher-order shape consistencies are required.

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