Send it to the corner

This simply illustrates the same principle as the one behind the previous activity (soap-powered boat).
  1. Fill a round bowl (like a cereal bowl) with water.
  2. Spread black pepper on top of the water. It is preferable for the pepper to be finely ground, so that it is light. If the pepper you have is coarsely ground then you can use talcum powder instead. 
  3. Ask your child to dip their finger in the middle of the bowl. Ask them to repeat it after they spread a drop of soap on the finger. 
Explanation: The soap reduces the surface tension and this causes the pepper to be pulled away from the middle.

The two pictures show how the pepper essentially stays in place when a q-tip without soap is used whereas within a fraction of a second, the pepper moves away from the q-tip when it has been dipped in soap.

before soapafter soap
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