Project 2 FAQ, CISC105 Summer 2005

Also, when the search itself is running, the entire song name or artist name must be EXACTLY correct - down to the spacing before and after the name, in order for my function to find anything. Is this how it should be working, or is there something I should do to give the search more flexibility?

No, you're going to have to get the exact match. Sorry, that's not ideal, but that's what we have to work worth.

I'm confused about the difference between importing a playlist and viewing a playlist.... And creating a playlist and exporting a playlist. Could you explain the difference please?

Importing and exporting involve files. Creating and viewing are just within your program. When you import the playlist, you read from a file and add the playlist to a list of "active" playlists. When you export the playlist, you write it to a file. Creating and viewing are within the program. You can create and add to a playlist, which is stored during the execution of the program. If you don't export the playlist to a file then you lose the playlist.