Project 1 FAQ, CISC105 Summer 2005


When we calculate the net pay I don't quite understand how to calculate the different taxes. More specifically, based on what numbers other than hourly wage do we determine what tax bracket a person falls under?

Assuming the hourly wage for 40 hours/week for a year, determine the expected yearly salary. Then, you can determine the tax bracket.

One other thing you ask us to "Calculate the appropriate federal tax bracket using a switch statement rather than a series of if-else-if statements." The only way I can think of to do this is to use an if-else-if statement in main. Is this okay?

One of the quizzes had an example of computing the tax bracket with a switch statement. You can base your solution on that example.

Since each percentage is being used only once, it seems excessive to create so many constants, yet constants would allow simpler changing of values and avoid "magic numbers". I am uncertain as to where to draw the line, whether size or "no magic numbers" is more important.

Size is important, but it's not really the size of the program--it's the size of the program when it executes. Like you said, constants improve code readability and flexibility. Constants do not significantly change the amount of space that a program requires.

Next Monday, I'll clarify the different "space" requirements and tradeoffs to consider.

What do you want for the test plan? Is it a C program?

The test plan is just a plain text file; you can write it in Word, if you want. The test plan lists the input for your program and the expected output. The project top sheet has an example test plan, without the expected output.

You will write up the input and expected results (which you calculated by hand) for "good" test cases. Then, you will run your program on these test cases and make sure that your program's actual results match up with the expected results.

The goal of the test plan is to force everyone to test their program well so that they'll have near-perfect "correctness" scores.