Finite-state Verification for High Performance Computing

by George S. Avrunin, Stephen F. Siegel, and Andrew R. Siegel

Abstract. In this paper, we discuss some preliminary results in applying FSV techniques to high performance parallel codes, with a particular emphasis on scientific programs that employ the widely-used Message Passing Interface (MPI). These results suggest that such techniques may have significant potential for improving both the productivity of developers of parallel scientific programs and the quality of those programs. We also briefly sketch some of the research issues that must be addressed to achieve that potential.
George S. Avrunin, Stephen F. Siegel, and Andrew R. Siegel, Finite-state verification for high performance computing, in Philip M. Johnson, ed., Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing System Applications, St. Louis, MO, May 15, 2005, pages 68-72.

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Stephen F. Siegel / LASER / Dept of Comp. Sci. / UMass