The cohomology of the Morava stabilizer group S2 at the prime 3

by Vassily Gorbounov, Stephen F. Siegel, and Peter Symonds

Abstract. Let p be a prime, and denote by Sn the group of units in the maximal order of a cyclic division algebra over Qp of index n and Hasse invariant 1/n. The Morava Change of Rings Theorem says essentially that the cohomology of Sn with coefficients in a certain representation describes the Bousfield localization functor LK(n). This is the localization of stable homotopy theory with respect to the spectrum of the n-th Morava K-theory, K(n). The functors LK(n) play an important role in homotopy theory. At present the case n=1 is completely understood for all primes p. The next case, n=2, has been partially investigated for primes p 5. The functor LK(2)for small primes is harder to study because the group S2 is of infinite cohomological dimension. In this paper, we compute the cohomology of S2 at the prime 3 by resolving it by a free product Z/3*Z/3 and analyzing the "relation module."
This paper will appear in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.

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Stephen F. Siegel / LASER / Dept of Comp. Sci. / UMass