The Hochschild cohomology ring of a group algebra

by Stephen F. Siegel, and Sarah J. Witherspoon

October 4, 1997

Abstract. There is a standard additive decomposition of the Hochschild cohomology ring of the group algebra of a finite group $G$ as the direct sum of the cohomology rings of the centralizers of representatives of the conjugacy classes of $G$. A special case of our main result describes the cup product in terms of this decomposition. As applications, we determine presentations for the Hochschild cohomology rings of (1) the mod-$3$ group algebra of the symmetric group $S_3$, (2) the mod-$2$ group algebra of the alternating group $A_4$, and (3) the mod-$2$ group algebras of the dihedral $2$-groups.

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Stephen F. Siegel / LASER / Dept of Comp. Sci. / UMass