Name Topic
_________________________ MPI barrier, broadcast, reduction.
_________________________ MPI scatter/gather and remaining collective communications.
Tamal Basu ______________ MPI topologies (Feb27)
Antonios Danalis ________ Posix threads, unix processes, sockets. (Feb 20)
Tam Vu __________________ RPC (Mar 6)
Tae Kim _________________ Linda (Mar 27)
Erhan Atilla Avinal _____ Cilk (Mar 6)
_________________________ Athapascan
Ibrahim Saruhan _________ HPF (Feb 27)
Gaurav Arora ____________ Fortran M (?)
Xiaojin Niu _____________ Compositional C++ (Mar 13)
_________________________ Globus
Preethi Natarajan _______ Condor (Mar 27)
Ahmet Duran _____________ parallel random number generation (Apr 17)
Xueyong Zhi _____________ Debugging and performance tools
Yen-Chi Lin _____________ Historic machines, eg the connection machine and C*
_________________________ crystal growth inspired task management system or more generally, "small world networks"
Hari Shri Palakurthi ____ OpenMP (Mar 13)
Yanwei Niu ______________ PVM (parallel virtual machine)
Joe Stelmach ____________ Quantum Computing (Apr 24)
Chun Wu _________________ Protein Folding (Apr 10)