CISC 475 Object Oriented Software Engineering, Fall y2k

Project transition guidelines (tar/jar submission, final presentation, final project submission)
Nov 27, 2000

  1. The spec-for-testing, code-for-inspection submission has absolute due date of today. If you haven't done this, get it done. This is the responsibility of each individual as assigned, but may be done jointly or separately. The test code generators and code inspectors then have until Wed to provide their test cases/ inspection reports. If spec/code is not provided today the designated providers will receive a zero for this assignment and the testers/inspectors will work with . In that case the assignment is to resolve the inconsistency in the specification and describe a test case suite for black box testing. Generally, testers/inspectors, if they haven't already completed the work, must have it done by Wed, Nov 29. This exercise is the responsibility of each individual as assigned, but may be done jointly or separately.

  2. Tar/jar checkout submission, one per team, is due Friday, Dec 1. From your email attachment or from your download instructions I must be able to:
    1. get and open your tar/jar file to obtain all the files necessary to use your system.
    2. Read your "README" file and learn how to compile your system. Ideally the instructions are just to enter "make" or "gmake" in order to compile/install your system. Note: if you have a client-server system, it will be sufficient for this submission to be able to compile the client side.
    3. Run the system. For this submission there must be an executable that can be run, but there is no reqirement about it's functioning. The purpose of this submission is to check out the tar/jar facilities and make sure your system is installable.

  3. Final presentation guidelines:

    You are explaining/demoing your system to the clients or prospective users. You should assume no prior familiarity with the system on the part of the audience. Thus you should bring us quickly up to speed on the purpose and design history of the project as well as describing/illustrating it's current capabilities.

    Remember to introduce yourselves, speak loudly and clearly, make eye contact all around the room, use good posture and hand position (not in pockets), etc. Quality of presentation materials/demos will count for more at this stage than they did in prior presentations. Be sure the presenting team splits the time equally.

  4. Final written submission, one per team, is due Friday Dec 8. Guidelines:

  5. Final tar/jar file submission, one per team, is due Friday, Dec 8. This submission is of everything related to the project that you have online, including The first two items (prior versions of documents/code) may be references to your archives (instead of physically included subdirectories/files) so long as they are reachable publicly or at least by saunders/jochen on composers or ecl machines.

    This online material and your final written submission (item 4) will be the primary basis of the project grade, with earlier versions contributing secondarily.

  6. An individual evaluation form is also due Dec 8. The form will be given out Dec 6. Each person individually will be asked to evaluate the project effort, to assess the degree of success of teamwork, and especially to appraise their own effort and contribution through the semester.