CISC 372 Parallel Programming (Fall 2002)
Homework 3, due Thu, Nov 7.

Write 8 multiple choice questions, each having 4 choices. Base your questions on material in the Pacheco textbook. The union of the question sets will be a base from which a midterm quiz will be built. Base 2 questions on material from chapters 1,2,3 of Pacheco. Base 1 question each on chapters 4,5,6,7, and 11. Base the final question on the material in any of those chapters (only) or on material covered in lecture.

A good multiple choice question has exactly one unambiguously correct answer, yet the other three answers have some plausibility to someone who is unfamiliar with the terminology or content, or has not mastered it sufficiently to distinguish well among the choices.

    A good (at least ok) question:
  1. What does the acronym MIMD stand for?
    1. "Multiple Instruction, Memory Dependent"
    2. "Machine Independent, Multiple Data"
    3. "Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data"
    4. "Machine Independent, Memory Dependent"
  2. A poor question:

  3. Which answer is a significant similarity between MPI_Bcast and MPI_Allreduce?
    1. They both come near the beginning of an alphabetical list of MPI functions.
    2. They both accomplish that, on completion, an array of identical data exists on each processor.
    3. MPI_Bcast has a root argument, and MPI_Allreduce doesn't.
    4. They both are collective functions, as opposed to point-to-point.

For the second question answer A is frivolous, C is nonsensical (it doesn't suggest a similarity), so that even someone who has no knowledge of MPI can rule those answers out. Then answers B and D are both significant shared properties of the two functions, so that it is arguable which answer is right.

Here is what the first question looks like in html:

A good (at least ok) question:
<li> What does the acronym MIMD stand for?
  <ol type=A> <!-- the 4 list items will be labeled A,B,C,D--> 
  <li> "Multiple Instruction, Memory Dependent"
  <li> "Machine Independent, Multiple Data"
  <li> "Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data"
  <li> "Machine Independent, Memory Dependent"
</li> <!-- ans: C -- author: David Saunders -->

Please mark up your answers like this example so that they may be cut and pasted into a single web page. Include the proposed correct answer and author in an HTML comment on each question as shown. Submit your 8 questions in an email with subject line containing this exact string "homework3". The questions may be in an attached something.html file, or you may give a URL for your something.html file.