Reference on LZW is the handout 320/ . Notation on RSA is as in 320/ .

Handin problems, due Wednesday, 4/17/96

  1. Give the 12 bit codeunits produced by the Limpel-Zev compaction of the string "aaaaaaaaaa".
  2. Give the encryption of those 12 bit codeunits using the RSA method and keys generated by (with maple) when p := 103 and q := 53.
  3. Then verify correctness by decrypting and uncompressing. [show your work]
  4. What does the encrypted text C look like if it happens in building the keys that d is a prime (so that sh = 1)?
  5. In building RSA keys, what is bad about it turning out that d is the square of a prime number (for example when p := 101 and q := 103)?

Claim problems, rsa 1 and rsa 2

  1. Break the code (i.e. find sh) when the public key is P = [5, 13529].
You may use maple and the script 320/ (modified as you wish) as tools while working this assignment.