Guidelines for Poster Presentations
The Student Research Forum provides
an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students attending FSE-10
to present and discuss
their research at poster sessions.
This 2-hour evening event (held on Wednesday evening (6-8 pm) will
feature concurrent short presentations by student participants
organized in poster formats. Each student will be provided a 30" by 40"
board and an easel for the presentation. FSE-10 attendees, including
non-students, will be able to wander among the posters and talk to
the students about their research. Light refreshments will be provided.
Posters are an excellent forum for students to present their work in an informal and interactive session, and to present late-breaking and preliminary results, or work-in-progress posters. Unlike other technical venues, posters are highly visual and interactive, and they are intended to provide students and participants with the ability to engage in deep technical discussions about their work. Posters provide students with a unique opportunity to make their work highly visible during the conference, and to discuss their work one-on-one with other conference participants. The goal is to develop a poster that encourages small groups of individuals interested in a technical area to gather and interact, and the poster session will be organized to facilitate such interactions.
Poster authors are required to attend the scheduled interactive poster session, staying with their poster so that they can discuss their work with conference attendees. Some poster authors also post an informal schedule along with their poster, listing times when they plan to be available for discussion later on during the conference. Others leave sign-up sheets for interested viewers to obtain further information. All posters will have an associated "message board," on which viewers can post comments, ideas, and questions and on which poster authors will be able to post responses, to further increase interactions and value for everyone.
Students who wish to present a poster display of their research must send the following information to Lori Pollock ( by August 15, 2002.
1. a title and 500 word abstract of their proposed presentation
2. their email address, phone number and surface mail address
3. name of their department and school
4. name of their academic advisor
Each prospective participant also is asked to have a short email note of support of their participation from their faculty research advisor sent to Professor Pollock. Selected participants will be notified by September 1, 2002.
If there is more interest in this program than can be accommodated, each school will be asked to select its student presenter(s) on the basis of the size of their annual Ph.D. class, with limited representation from each Computer Science department.
Funding for Student Participants:
Students presenting posters are encouraged to apply for funding through the ACM SIGSOFT CAPS program.
Important Dates:
Deadline for Submission: August 15, 2002.
Notification of acceptance: September 1, 2002
Contact for more information:
Lori Pollock (
Dept of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716