CISC 879 Software Tools and Environments
Research Proposal Review Template

Reviewer Name:

My Confidence in reviewing this proposal: (1:very low - 5:very high)

Proposal Name:

Technical Merit:

How important is the proposed activity to advancing knowledge and understanding within its own field or across different fields? (importance of the problem)

To what extent does the proposed activity suggest and explore creative and original concepts? (originality of approach)

How well conceived and organized is the proposed activity? (soundness of approach and organization of the research plan)

How well conceived is the evaluation plan?

How much impact do you think the results will be on society and/or increasing scientific and technological understanding?

Any comments for improvement in the proposal for a future submission?


E : excellent. The best proposal I read. The one I would fund if can only fund one project.
V: very good. Very high quality. Recommend funding.
G: good. Good, solid research proposal. If adequate funding is available, should consider funding.
F: fair. Has some deficiencies. Could be improved for a future submission. Proba bly not to be funded.
P: poor. Significant deficiencies, definitely do not fund as written.

Justification for Rating: