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Fall 2000
MPI Programming Assignment 2
Due Date: start of class, September 14, 2000


The objective of this assignment is to write a simple MPI program involving matrices distributed to the processes.


A 2-dimensional binary cellular automaton consists of a two-dimensional rectangular grid together with an initial assignment of zeroes and ones to the vertices, or cells, of the grid and a next-state function for updating the values at the vertices. The updating function is applied simultaneously to all of the cells. Typically, the value of the next-state function at an individual cell will depend on the current value at the grid point and the four neighbors immediately above, below, to the right, and to the left of the cell. However, it is also quite common for the next-state function to depend on the four diagonally adjacent neighbors as well - upper-left neighbor, upper-right neighbor, lower-left neighbor, and lower-right neighbor.

John Conway's game of life is a well-known example. In it, cells with ones are ALIVE, while cells with zeroes are DEAD. Updating corresponds to finding the next generation, and the new value of a cell depends on all eight immediately adjacent neighbors. The rules are the following:

a. Living cells with 1 or 0 neighbors will die from loneliness.

b. Living cells with 2 or 3 neighbors will survive into the next generation.

c. Living cells with 4 or more neighbors will die from overcrowding.

d. Empty cells with exactly 3 neighbors will come to life.

Write a parallel program that simulates a 2-dimensional binary cellular automaton. Use Conway's Life as an example to clarify your thinking, but allow for the possibility that the update rule can be changed.

The program should take as input the order of the automaton (number of rows and number of columns), the maximum number of generations, and an initial configuration. After each new generation is computed, the program should print it out. Also, print out your initial configuration.

You need to answer the following questions before programming your data distribution. How should the cells be partitioned among the processes? How should this be decided?

Your program should dynamically allocate the appropriate space for the matrix on each process in response to the matrix size input.

You should program this with two different data distributions.

Compile and run both versions of your program with matrix sizes of 10 x 10, 100 x 100, and 1000 x 1000, each with 1, 4, and 8 processes. Script the runs as specified in the What to Hand In section.
Comment out the print statements, and run the program again as specified above, and report a comparison of the timings for the two different data distributions for the different matrix sizes and numbers of processes.
What to hand in.

Hints for Getting Good Timing Data

In order to get reliable timing data, you need to make sure that no one else is using the cluster. On the DEC alpha cluster, you should run the spyall command just prior to making a performance run. Also, from past experience, leaving the timings until the last evening before the assignment due date makes getting reliable timing runs very difficult to obtain due to the many other folks trying to get access to the cluster for timings.

Please staple all parts of your lab together, and label each piece.

Criteria for Evaluation

Your lab will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

15 pts: correctness of overall Life program
5 pts: 2 different data distributions
5 pts: Generality of program
5 pts: Time and Space Efficiency
5 pts: Timings for matrix size 10, 100, and 1000, for 1, 4, and 8 processes
5 pts: Written discussion: comparison of data distributions, explanation of timing results

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Lori Pollock