Summary of Papers Read

Fill in topic area here
Fill in names of people in your group

What overall goal(s) did this group of papers have in common?

Fill in here

List each paper and what specific goal(s) it had within that overall goal?

Fill in here

Group the papers according to similar goals, and describe each one's approach, contribution, and restrictions to achieving that goal in 2-3 sentences for each paper:

Goal 1:
Paper 1 Approach:
Paper 1 Contribution(s):
Paper 1 Disadvantages/Restrictions:

Goal 2:
Paper 1 Approach:
Paper 1 Contribution(s):
Paper 1 Disadvantages/Restrictions:

Brief Summary of the State of the Art in Chronological Order:

(be sure to stress how one built on another's work, or competed with another's approach)
Fill in here

Brief Summary of Open Issues/Research Opportunities:

(what has not been done, where current techniques don't work well or what they do not address)
Fill in here.

Other Remarks/Notes: