CISC 672 Advanced Compiler Construction

Background Questionaire



Secret Code for posting grades (any reasonable string less than 8 chars):

Relevant Background: Answer either none, ugrad/grad course, or individual experience. Give the course number if here at UD.

Programming Languages Course?
Architecture Course?
Compiler Course?
Compiler project experience?
LEX(FLEX)/YACC(Bison) experience?

Are you more comfortable/experienced programming in C++? Java?

How would you rate yourself in expertise in Java? (very confident, confident, not so confident, no expertise)

How would you rate yourself in expertise in C++? (very confident, confident, not so confident, no expertise)

If you had a choice, which language would you choose to write your compiler project in? Java or C++?

How long have you been at University of Delaware?

Why did you choose to take CIS 672?

Would you have chosen to take this course if it were not a core course?

Name some activities that you like to do outside your computer science studies.