CS 453 Programming Assignment #3 — MeggyJava for Buttons

Due Monday, October 19, 2015 (by 11:59pm)


This assignment can be done with your CISC 471/672 programming partner.

In this assignment, you will be writing a program that parses, type checks, and generates code for the PA3 subset of the MeggyJava language that includes the detection of button presses (Meggy.checkButton), the use of the delay function (Meggy.delay), the function for reading the screen pixel values (Meggy.getPixel), the while statement, the if statement, byte casts, plus, minus, and times, and boolean expressions. Notice the dangling else syntax, and the unary minus syntax.

Java, and therefore MeggyJava allows int, byte mixed type expressions for addition, subtraction, comparison, and negation. This is relevant for type checking as well as code generation.

You will

Example ASTs of some test cases are found in the PA3 Examples folder.

The Assignment

Download and untar PA3Start.tar.gz from the PA3 folder. Study the file structure. Copy the provided starter code into a copy of your PA2/ project. All of the AST nodes and visitor pattern are provided. Additionally, there are some example AST visitors in ast_visitors/. See CheckTypes.java for the start of the type checking visitor.

Most importantly, there is a regression testing directory called TestCasesMeggy/. This includes the regression testing script for your generated MJ.jar. See the README in that directory for more information.

The input files for your compiler can be any PA3 MeggyJava program. The PA3 test cases you wrote for PA1 are possible test cases for MJ.jar you will create. Plan on writing more test cases as well. Additionally, the InputFile.java.s file must be such that we can run it through the MJSIM simulator. You will also be able to assemble and link the program with the run time library and run it on the Meggy Jr device by using the provided build process.

For this assignment, type checking will be performed with a visitor. Your goal is to match the type error messages that are printed by the provided MJ.jar reference compiler or by matching javac. The grading will ensure that your type error messages occur when javac error messages occur. The error messages do not have to be an exact match.

Submitting the Assignment


This assignment is graded on a 70 point scale. Your submission will be graded with the following breakdown: This project is based on the project created by Michelle Strout in a course at Colorado State University.