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Von Neumann Bottleneck fg     ```   *How to Improve Memory System Performance?+P+` + HReduce cycle time Increase word size Concurrency Efficient memory designII` I   k Almost all higher-performance microprocessors on the market use cache Why not Cray vector architectures ?6 k`k` k    The improvements in IC technology affected not only DRAMs, but also SRAMs, making the cost of caches much lower. Caches are one of the most important ideas in computer architecture because they can substantially improve performance by the use of memory. The growing gap between DRAM cycle times and processor cycle times, as the next figure shows, is a key motivation for caches. If we are to run processors at the speeds they are capable of, we must have higher speed memories to provide data. [Joupi & Hennessy 91]P xs`CdD```~ 4          Latency in a Single System`    Locality of Reference`  f  Program references tend to be clustered in time. (4 `2b  2  &Regions with High Access Probabilities'P'` ' PC vicinity Stack frame (local)  Nearest subroutines Active dataBBb B    The success of ache memories has been explained by reference to the  property of locality [Denn72]. The property of locality has two aspects, temporal and spatial. Over short periods of time, a program distributes its memory references nonuniformly over its address space, and which portions of the address space are favored remain largely the same for long periods of time. r{ G`d+` d`d`2       This first property, called temporal locality, or locality by time, means that the information which will be in use in the near future is likely to be in use already. This type of behavior can be expected from program loops in which both data and instructions are reused.V `d'`Rdk`   Z The second property, locality by space, means that portions of the address space which are in use generally consist of a fairly small number of individually contiguous segments of that address space. Locality by space, then, means that the loci of reference of the program in the near future are likely to be near the current loci of reference. V[ `d`kd` Z   This type of behavior can be expected from common knowledge of programs; related data items (variables, arrays) are usually stored together, and instructions are mostly executed sequentially. Since the cache memory buffers segments of information that have been recently used, the property of locality implies that needed information is also likely to be found in the cache. [Smith82, p475]r b``d`b bb    Information in USE in the near future is likely to consist of that information in current use (locality by time) and that information logically adjacent to that in currently use (locality by space).v x``ddD`d d`  /8>,  0` @EoOV` @Eff؂o` MMMwww` 33f3Ƨgzf` 3ffE` JH3f̙ff` 33̙fRP` =bf>?" dd@(? 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