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(C) It determinates where an operand in an instruction can be located and addressed (see slides) HnP(PnPPnPdPf+bbfbfbfbfb b  f  b  f bbafb@t      Problem 1 (30 points) - 2`  YThe range of addresses in the conditional branch instructions in MIPS (Homework #2 - 5)2GnPnPZb Z Problem 1 (30 points) - 3`  6f) In a N-bit ALU, overflow can be detected by looking at (A) the carry into MSB and the carry out MSB (See Topic3b) g) -0.75ten = - 2-1-2-2 = -0.11two Normalized it into -1.1twoX2-1 Compared with the general representation (-1)s X (1+Fraction) X 2(Exponent  127) We have, s= 1, Fraction = .1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000two, Exponent = 126ten = 0111 1110two (A) 1011 1111 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 00008PsPP;b=fbjbjbjbjbfnfn*bfnfn:bjbj bjf3ff3 ffb6      D         Problem 1 (30 points) - 4`  Compare signed and unsigned numbers (3) 1 and 0 Represent decimal number to hexadecimal number (2) 14D Translate IEEE 754 binary representation to decimal representation (B) -5.0$n/n nCn $bb f1bfC b bfb  Problem 2 (30 points) - 1`  |Homework #2  5 Homework #3  3 Caller save register: the registers that the calling procedure (caller) is responsible for saving and restoring across the call. The called procedure (callee) can then modify the registers without constraint. Callee save register: the registers that the callee is responsible for saving and restoring if it might use. The caller uses the registers without worrying about restoring them after a call. (see slides)VnPP bffZ  5  '   Problem 2 (30 points) - 2`  P + P = N; N + N = P; P  N = N; N  P = P (see slides) i, j, temp, $fp, $ra ^ n2nnSddLK      Problem 3 (10 points)`  Homework #3  1 (with slight change) 1100 0000 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 (a) unsigned INT 231+230+223+222+221+220 (b) 2 s comp INT -231+230+223+222+221+220 (c) IEEE 754 single precision FP -7.5%`)`dldldldldldldldldldldldl'dt9        ~ !Problem 4 (15 points) - 1`  Homework #3 - 6`  Problem 4 (15 points) - 2`   Problem 5 (15 points)`   Homework #3  2 `  `  0` r77f3/Ʊ` fff` KfxP` 7_/U<ff` HghXs3q̙` WXcklugti~^ӤO` ־3f3f` 33^` J%xiff3>?" dd@,?nFd@  d nF@ d`nF n?" dd@   @@``PP   @ ` ` p>> (  6 T ~  "~  c B@CW DEF"d@ W @W @W W @`".~  c B,CW DEF"d@ W ,W ,@`". \ ~  "~  c B CDEF"@   @`"(4  c B C DEF"d@ @`"(W4  c BtC DEF"d@t t tt@`"~   c B CDEF"@ @`"([4W   c B CDEF"d@ @`"(4   c B CDEF"2@  @`"(4[   c BC DEF"d@ @`"_   c BC DEF"@ @`"  c BC DEF"@  @`"\  B ?"0F  X Click to edit Master title style!! 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