Directory Contents The files with names ending in .ps and .pdf contain the printable book, which includes the table of contents (ToC), list of figures (LoF), list of tables (LoT), body and appendix. The file with name ending in .book is the FrameMaker book file. The files with name ending in .fm contain the FrameMaker Version 7.1 source documents for the ToC, which includes the title page and abstract, LoF, LoT, body and appendix. The files with names ending in .xml, .css and .gif contain the XML documents generated by Adobe FrameMaker. The files with name ending in .txt contain the ASCII document generated by FrameMaker, one corresponding toeach of the .fm files. Each line is terminated by a CR/LF suitable for Unix diff generation. The files with name ending in .EMF contain the figures and tables in Windows Extended Metafile format. These are from the PowerPoint presentation in the file with name ending in .ppt. David L Mills 4 July 2006