Computational Results for the Minimum Vertex Separator Problem


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The Vertex Separator Problem for a graph is to find the smallest collection of vertices whose removal breaks the graph into two disconnected subsets that satisfy specified size constraints.

Let G = (V,E) be a graph on vertex set V = {1,2,,n} and edge set EV×V. We assume G is simple and undirected; that is for any vertices i and j we have (i,i)∕∈E and (i,j) E if and only if (j,i) E (note that this implies that |E|, the number of elements in E, is twice the total number of edges in G). For each i V, let ci denote the cost and wi > 0 denote the weight of vertex i. If ZV, then

        ∑                   ∑
C (Z ) =    ci  and  W (Z ) =    wi
        i∈Z                  i∈Z

denote the total cost and weight of the vertices in Z, respectively.

If the vertices V are partitioned into three disjoint sets A, B, and S, then S separates A and B if there is no edge (i,j) E with i A and j B. The Vertex Separator Problem (VSP) is to minimize the cost of S while requiring that A and B have approximately the same weight. We formally state the VSP as follows:

(1.1)                        A,mSi,nB⊂V   C(S)

       subject to S = V \ (A ∪ B),  A ∩ B = ∅,  (A × B) ∩ E = ∅,
                 ℓa ≤ W (A ) ≤ ua, and ℓb ≤ W (B) ≤ ub,
where a, b, ua, and ub are given nonnegative integers less than or equal to n. The constraints S = V\ (AB) and AB = ensure that V is partitioned into disjoint sets A, B, and S, while the constraint (A×B) E = ensures that there are no edges between the sets A and B.

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