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Installation and Running Instructions

·         System Requirements:

o    Python (version >= 2.7)

o    numpy library (version >=1.5)

o    NetworkX library (version >= 1.6)

o    Tested on Windows 7 and Linux with Python 2.7 and should work on most modern platforms

·         Access the Github source repository and download zipped archive

·         Extract the contents of the zip

·         Usage example:

o Run sanity tests
python musketeer.py -T

o Help message
python musketeer.py --help

o Replicate Zachary's classic Karate Club network.
python musketeer.py -f data-samples/karate.adjlist -p "{'edge_edit_rate':[0.0,0.0, 0, 0.01, 0.1], 'node_edit_rate':[0, 0.1], 'node_growth_rate':[0.1,0.1]}"


Documentation & Extras

·         README and release_notes.txt

·         Technical description


Alexander Gutfraind

Ilya Safro

School of Public Health
University of Illinois at Chicago

School of Computing
Clemson University

Examples of generated networks

Original graph: mesh 33x33 Generation with local changes Generation with small number of global changes
Number of generated nodes is 3 times bigger Global changes and number of generated nodes is 3 times bigger Generation with small number of global changes

Original graph: US western states power grid, Watts, Strogatz, Nature, 1998 Generation with local changes Generation with small number of global changes
Number of generated nodes is 3 times bigger Global changes and number of generated nodes is twice bigger Generation with small number of global changes

Original graph: C-18 optimization matrix, UFL Matrix Collection Generation with local changes Generation with small number of global changes
Number of generated nodes is 3 times bigger Global changes and number of generated nodes is twice bigger Generation with small number of global changes (not considering one connected component)

Networks are widely used in science and technology to represent relationships between entities, such as social or ecological links between organisms, infrastructure connections, enzymatic interactions in metabolic systems, or data communication. Statistical analyses of networks can provide critical insights into the structure, function, dynamics, and evolution of those systems. However, the structures of real-world networks are often not known completely, and they may exhibit considerable variation so that no single network is sufficiently representative of a system. In such situations, researchers may turn to proxy data from related systems, sophisticated methods for network inference, or synthetic networks.
We present a novel strategy, namely, multiscale editing for network generation problem. Our tool, termed MUSKETEER, uses this process to create high-fidelity artificial networks that can be arbitrarily similar to the original networks.

If you use MUSKETEER please cite
A. Gutfraind, I. Safro, L.A. Meyers "Multiscale Network Generation'', In Proceedings of IEEE 18th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), pages 158-165, 2015 download.

Previous version of the method with more background details can be found in arXiv:1207.4266.

Patent pending
If you are interesting in this technology please see
CURF Reference: 2015-058

More information about relevant multiscale methods can be found in
D. Ron, I. Safro, A. Brandt, "Relaxation-based coarsening and multiscale graph organization", SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulations, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 407-423, 2011
A. Brandt, D. Ron "Multigrid solvers and Multilevel Optimization Strategies", in "Multilevel Optimization and VLSICAD" (J. Cong and J. R. Shinnerl, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2003, (Chapter 1, 1:69)