Fall 2008 Syllabus
CISC437:  Database Systems


Michael Haggerty, Instructor


111 Ewing Hall

Postal Address

Department of Computer & Information Sciences, 103 Smith Hall, Newark, DE 19716 USA


(302) 598-9844 (email is preferred).


mhaggerty@haggertyinc.com (Please cc your TA unless you have a specific reason not to, and try to send from your udel email address; mail from AOL, Yahoo etc. often gets blocked as spam) Please put CISC437: at the start of the subject line.



Office Hours

Tuesdays 10:00-11:00PM

Or by appointment (send email to mhaggerty@haggertyinc.com request an appointment,
To avoid delays, put "CISC437 Appointment Request" in the subject line.

No office hours on days when UD classes do not meet or are cancelled due to weather, etc.
Any other adjustment to office hours will be announced via email to the class.

TA Pujan Kafle
Office: TBD
Office Hours: TBD

Course Objectives

The course will be roughly divided into two sections as outlined below.

Required Textbooks

  1. Database Systems: The Complete Book, 2nd Edition, Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffery Ullman and Jennifer Widom, ISBN: 0131873253 (978-0131873254), Prentice-Hall, 2009.

Catalog Description:

To examine the physical and logical organization of databases. Data retrieval languages, relational database languages, security and integrity, concurrency, distributed databases.


Projects 15%
Midterm Exam 15%
Final Exam 20%
Homework and Quizzes 50% (assignments will be of varying point values; the total points earned will be added together, divided by the total possible points, and this will form 50% of your final course grade).

See the course calendar for scheduled dates of exams (available on the Sakai).

Special Rules: Your final grade cannot be more than one letter grade higher than your exam average.  This ensures that your final grade reflects your mastery of the basic concepts of the course.

Letter grades will be determined by the following scale, which may be altered (in your favor) at the discretion of the instructor, depending on the final grade distribution.

grade >= 94 A   73<= grade < 77 C
90 <= grade < 93 A-   70<= grade < 73 C-
87 <= grade < 90 B+   67 <= grade < 70 D+
83<= grade < 87 B   63<= grade < 67 D
80<= grade < 83 B-   60<= grade < 63 D-
77 <= grade < 80 C+   grade < 60 F

Course Policies

Reading Assignments are posted on the course calendar. The assignments are listed on Sundays on the course calendar (to avoid cluttering the course days in the week). You are responsible for checking the calendar periodically and staying on top of the reading; additional announcements/reminders about the reading assignments might or might not be made in lecture.

Exams are closed book.  You may not use any notes whatsoever for quizzes, unless otherwise announced.

Quizzes Both pre-announced and unannounced quizzes may be given at any time.  Missed quizzes due to unexcused absences will be counted as a zero. For excused absences, the instructor will substitute a default grade which is the nearest integer approximation of the students average so far at that point in the course (i.e. the quiz neither helps nor hurts the grade). A perfect score will be substituted if a quiz is missed before any other grades are recorded.

Follow instructions in assignments regarding submission. For homework assignments, some work must be submitted on paper, while electronic submission may be acceptable for other work. However, you must follow the submission instructions in the assignment; you may not submit electronically if the assignment specifically requires paper submission. Paper submission may only be done in person in lecture for lecture homework (unless you have prior permission from the TA via email with a CC to me; this should be done only in unusual, rare, special circumstances.)

No makeup for in class assignments except for "official excused absences". When there is an in-class quiz or in-class assignment, there is no make up except for official excused absences.

Official excused absences include those where there is a note from the athletic department (e.g. for intercollegiate sports teams) or from the Dean's office (e.g. for serious illness or family emergency). For occasional cold or flu, one or two missed quizzes are not going to seriously impact your grade, since the point values are relatively small compared to other course components—as long as you don't make it a habit.

Late Policy:  Assignments that are turned in after the assigned due date/time will be marked late by 2n points where n is the number of days late.  If an assignment is due at 6:55PM on Tuesday and the student turns it in at 6:56PM, it will be considered 1 day late and have a penalty of 2 points (21 points).  The submission time will be the time that the assignment is posted on Sakai unless otherwise stated.  I would encourage that you complete assignments even if you get no credit for it, as exam material will be taken from the Homeworks/Projects.

Academic Honesty: You are required to comply with all University policies regarding Academic Honesty and to familiarize yourself with those policies. Read the official policy at the UD website: http://www.udel.edu/stuguide/07-08/code.html. Suspected violations of academic honesty are prosecuted through the office of Judicial Affairs, and may result in probation, deferred suspension, suspension, or expulsion. We catch people all the time. Do honest work; to do otherwise will cheapen your own self-image, and it isn't worth the risk.

ADA Accommodations: If you have a disability that requires special accommodation, please contact me by email (mhaggerty@haggertyinc.com) or by phone (TBD) within the first week of classes.

Disclaimer: Information in the syllabus is subject to change as the instructor sees fit, or as required by Departmental, College, or University policy, provided that reasonable notice is given to the class.

Invitation: Please contact me by email, phone or during my office hours if you would like to discuss any aspect of the course; I welcome the opportunity to be of assistance.

Michael Haggerty, Fall 2008