Created: 03/12/11

Drill on 8-Bit Signed Binary

Convert signed binary   to   decimal.     Enter your answer into the empty box.


The number you got right so far:   out of             Percent Correct:   0

This is a drill on 8-bit signed binary. Of course, most computers use 32 bits (or more) for integers, but 8 bits is enough for practicing.

Signed binary (two's complement) is used when both postive, zero, and negative integers are to be represented. With 8 bits, there are 256 possible bit patterns, which are used to represent -128 to -1, 0, and 1 to 127.

All 8 bits are important, so your answer should always contain 8 bits. (A space separating nibbles is OK.)

Here is a box to use as scratch paper. Be sure to enter your answer in one of the top boxes.