Created 07/09/03

on Linked Lists

This is a practice quiz. The results are not recorded anywhere and do not affect your grade. The questions on this quiz might not appear in any quiz or test that does count toward your grade.

Instructions: For each question, choose the single best answer. Make your choice by clicking on its button. You can change your answers at any time. When the quiz is graded, the correct answers will appear in the box after each question.

1. Here is a description of one node of a linked list:

struct size
  int width;
  int height;
  struct size *next;  // this means a pointer to
                      // the next node.
} ;

Don't worry about the "C" if you don't know it. This shows a node that consists of two integers followed by an address.

Which of the following code fragments dynamically allocates enough memory for the node and leaves its address in $s0?

li      $v0,9
li      $a0,12
move    $s1,$v0
li      $v0,12
li      $a0,8
move    $s1,$v0
li      $v0,12
li      $a0,8
move    $v0,$s1
li      $v0,12
li      $a0,8
move    $a0,$s1

2. Here is a description of one node of a linked list:

struct size
  int width;
  int height;
  struct size *next;  // this means a pointer to
                      // the next node.
} ;

Assume that the address of a node is in $v0. Which of the following puts a width of 12 and a height of 17 into the node?

li    $t0,17
sw    $t0,0($v0)
li    $t0,12
sw    $t0,4($v0)
li    $t0,12
sw    $t0,4($v0)
li    $t0,17
sw    $t0,0($v0)
li    $t0,12
sw    $t0,0($v0)
li    $t0,17
sw    $t0,4($v0)
li    $t0,12
sw    $v0,0($t0)
li    $t0,17
sw    $v0,4($t0)

3. Here is a description of one node of a linked list:

struct size
  int width;
  int height;
  struct size *next;  // this means a pointer to
                      // the next node.
} ;

Assume that $s1 points at node1 and that $s2 points at node2. Which of the following makes node 2 the successor of node 1?

A.    sw $s2,4($s1)
B.    sw $s2,8($s1)
C.    sw $s1,0($s2)
D.    sw $s1,4($s2)

4. Here is a description of one node of a linked list:

struct size
  int width;
  int height;
  struct size *next;  // this means a pointer to
                      // the next node.
} ;

The field head contains the address of a linked list of such nodes. Which of the following segments visits each node of the list?

        lw     $s0,done
loop:   beqz   $s0,head
        . . .              # do something
        lw     $s0,4($s0)
        b      loop
        lw     $s0,head
loop:   beqz   $s0,done
        . . .              # do something
        lw     $s0,$s0
        b      loop
        lw     $s0,head
loop:   beqz   $s0,done
        . . .              # do something
        lw     $s0,8($s0)
        b      loop
        lw     $s0,head
loop:   beqz   $s0,done
        . . .              # do something
        sw     $s0,4($s0)
        b      loop

5. Here is a description of one node of a linked list:

struct size
  int width;
  int height;
  struct size *next;  // this means a pointer to
                      // the next node.
} ;

$s0 is pointing to the last node of a linked list. Which of the following code segments attaches one more node to the list and points $s0 to it?

       li      $v0,9
       li      $a0,12
       sw      $v0,8($s0)
       move    $s0,$v0
       li      $v0,9
       li      $a0,12
       sw      $v0,8($v0)
       move    $s0,$v0
       li      $v0,9
       li      $a0,8
       sw      $v0,4($v0)
       move    $s0,$v0
       li      $v0,12
       li      $a0,8
       sw      $v0,8($v0)
       move    $s0,$v0

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