Assignment 3 - 50 points - Playtesting Remember that Chapter 28 of The Art of Game Design book is about playtesting. For this assignment, you are going to conduct a playtest session. 1. First decide which of the projects you have implemented is going to be tested. If you have a working version of the Escape the Maze project, use that one. If you have your third project (Space Rocks or Jungle Jump) done enough to be playable, you might use that. If your Escape the Maze project doesn't work, use your Coin Dash project. 2. Think about the game you are going to playtest. Imagine that you are going to sell the game commercially. What features need to be added to the game implementation to make it a commercial product? What problems would you anticipate that a player might have when playing the game? What changes might the player want to see? What kind of experience do you anticipate the player will have while playing the game? Now do the following: Make up four survey questions that you are going to ask the player to answer after playing the game. Write them down and prepare a sheet with the questions on it. 3. Now conduct the playtest. Choose one of your friends who is not in the class to be the playtester. Start the game by pressing the Play the project button in the Godot editor. Let your friend play the game (for no more than half a hour). Answer any questions your friend asks as clearly and briefly as you can, and make a note of those questions. Observe your friend while playing the game to see how your friend is reacting to the play experience and make a note of anything you think might be significant. After the playtest session, have your friend answer the questions on the question sheet you prepared in part 2 above. Thank your friend for helping you out with your homework. 4. Write up a short document about your experience running this playtest. Include the questions your friend asked, anything you noted by watching your friend play the game, and the four questions on the survey sheet and your friend's answer to them. Write up your conclusions about how good the game is now and what needs to be changed to make it a commercial product. Turn in this document to me in class on the day that it is due.