Fun with alarms Part 1: Alarms without services

Overview (Video) (Source code for first part)

·         Android allows you to set alarms

·         When the alarm goes off, the OS sends your application an intent.

·         However, receiving these intents is a bit tricky.

·         Consequently, this approach is probably not sufficient for most applications.

·         We’ll need to use services, which is Part 2

·         Note that Handler is also used to make things happen in the future. Thus, one should consider using it instead of AlarmManager.

o   Note: The Alarm Manager is intended for cases where you want to have your application code run at a specific time, even if your application is not currently running. For normal timing operations (ticks, timeouts, etc) it is easier and much more efficient to use Handler.


·         Start with a new Android project

o   called FunWithAlarms

o    with a button and button listener, and

o   TextView, called textView

·         Make a new class, we’ll call OneShotAlarmReceiver, derived from android.content.BroadcastReceiver

o   Note, it must be a new class. It cannot be a local class of FunWithAlarms.

o   As we will see, some BroadcastReceivers can be local classes.

·         In OneShotAlarmReceiver, add function onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)

·         In this function, add Log.d("OneShotAlarmReceiver ","Alarm Expired");

·         In the manifest, with the application section (as far as I know, everything must be in the application section), add

o   <receiver android:name=". OneShotAlarmReceiver "> </receiver>

o   Note, this is the name we gave our broadcast receiver

Setting the alarm

·         In FunWithAlarms, within the button onClick listener add

o   Intent intent = new Intent(context, OneShotAlarmReceiver.class); // again, our broadcast receiver

o   PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT); // other flags make other types of alarms, like periodic alarms

o   AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);

o   alarmManager.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, System.currentTimeMillis() + (5 * 1000), pendingIntent); // (5*1000) so the alarm will expire in 5 seconds

o   Log.d(“FunWithAlarms1”,”Alarm is set”);

Run program

·         Press button

·         Note that all log shows things worked as expected

Problems (Video) (Source code for second part)

·         How to run the main activity?

·         We can’t directly access the FunWithAlarms object.

·         Instead we’ll use another intent to trigger a BroadcastReceiver that is part of FunWithAlarms

o   Why not make OneShotAlarmReceiver part of FunWithAlarms?

o   Maybe one can, but I couldn’t get it to work.

Add BroadcastReceiver to FunWithAlarms

·         In FunWithAlarms, add local class

o   public BroadcastReceiver receiver=new BroadcastReceiver() {

o                                   public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

o                                                   Log.d("FunWithAlarms ","Received TimesUp message");

o                                   }

o                   };

·         Register this BroadcastReceiver

o   In FunWithAlarms.onCreate add

§  registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter("com. FunWithAlarms.TIMESUP ")); // note that this name com. FunWithAlarms.TIMESUP must be the same as the name above (It is better to use a single string constant.).

·         We must also unregister this broadcast receiver in onPause

o   In FunWithAlarms, add

§  public void onPause () {

§                                  super.onPause();

§                                  Log.d(“FunWithAlarms1”,”onPause”);

§                                  unregisterReceiver(receiver);

§                  }

·         And reregister in onResume

o   In FunWithAlarms, add

§  public void onPause () {

§                             super.onPause();

§                             Log.d(“FunWithAlarms1”,”onResume”);

§                             registerReceiver(receiver,  new IntentFilter("com. FunWithAlarms.TIMESUP ")); // that same constant again!

§  }

·         Call this BroadcastReceiver from OneShotAlarmReceiver

o   In OneShotAlarmReceiver.onReceive add

§  Intent broadcast=new Intent("com.FunWithAlarms.TIMESUP "); // the same name again, we really should use a constant!

§  context.sendBroadcast(broadcast);

·         Note: now we have two BroadcastReceivers. One is registered in the manifest and one is registered in the code.

Run program

·         The log shows that things run as expected

·         Now test what happens if the phone sleeps before the alarm goes off. The alarm expires so that first BroadcastReceiver is called.

·         But the activity is not running, so it is not called.

·         In some cases, this behavior might be fine.

·         However, if you want to catch this event, you must use a service