Homework 2

Due 3/11

  1. Page 170, questions: 4, 5, 6, 10, (12), (19), 20, (21)
  2. Page 171, questions: (2), 3, 4, 6, (13 b, c, f), 14, 15, 17, 20
  3. What is the shortest time that a file can be distributed from a single host, with upload speed u, to N peers each with upload speed u and download speed d. Give the schedule for this transfer, that is, describe a scheme where this time is transfer time is achieved.
  4. Use telnet to send the bohacek@eecis.udel.edu a mail with your name in the body and from your favorite president.
  5. Use telnet to download the eecis home page. Use HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0. What is the difference when the pages are downloaded?