Phil at CVPR 2015. | Scott with the RV Sikuliaq (Sring '15) | Vims lunch for Phil's proposal (Spring '14) |
Scott in Barrow Alaska (Winter '13) | Gowri's Graduation Ceremony (Fall '12) | Field trip to the Arctic 2012 |
Gayathri's Graduation Ceremony (Spring '12) | VIMS Dinner, 2012 | Rohith at WACV '09 |
Scott at WACV '09 | Yuanjie at CVPR '09 | Gowri at CVPR '09 |
Mani's Graduation Ceremony (Spring '09) | Lunch at Prof.Chandra's house (Mani's graduation) | Gowri, Quantum Leap Innovations Award 2009 |
Students at field trip to image river ice (2009) | CVPR 2008, Anchorage | CS Research day gathering, 2008 |
Scott at ICPR 2008 in Tampa, FL | Min Li, Quantum Leap Innovations Award 2005 |