CISC467/667: Cloud Computing (Spring 2021)


The outline will be updated over weeks.

Lecture Date Topics Details Notes/Resources
1 02/16 Class Overview
2 02/18 Introduction to Cloud Computing Cloud Providers, XaaS, Hardware
3 02/23 Data Center Virtual Tour Microsoft GFS, Google Cloud, and more HW1
4 02/25 MapReduce BigData, MapReduce, Key/Value pairs, Examples AWS account setup
5 03/02 HDFS NameNode, DataNode, Replication, JobTracker, TaskTracker HW2
6 03/04 YARN
7 03/09 Virtualization Virtual Machine
8 03/11 Virtualization Container
9 03/18 Container Orchestration Kubernetes, Control Plane, Nodes, Pods Oracle Academy Cloud account, AWS account
10 03/25 Serverless and FaaS HW3
11 04/01 Gossiping and Covid! Multicasting Tutorial: Amazon EC2/VMs
12 04/06 Failure Detection Tutorial: Amazon Elastic Containers/Dockers
13 04/08 P2P and IoT Tutorial: Kubernetes/Docker Swarm
14 04/13 P2P and IoT HW4, Tutorial: MapReduce and Amazon EMR
15 04/15 Spark Tutorial: AWS Lambda / OpenFaaS
16 04/20 Kafka
17 04/22 KeyValue Storage
18 04/27 KeyValue Storage Tutorial: Spark
19 04/29 Time Tutorial: NoSQL and Amazon DynamoDB
20 05/04 Time Tutorial: Kafka and Amazon MSK
21 05/06 Time Tutorial: AWS IoT Greengrass
22 05/11 Scheduling Tutorial: Amazon CloudFront
23 05/13 Scheduling Tutorial: Amazon Kinesis
24 05/18 Final exam review