The Console Commands List

Includes version 1.06

250 Commands (only 8 undocumented)

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This document was obtained from the Quake Stomped Grounds. The most recent version of this document can always be found at

Disclaimer: This document is provided as is and may not be perfect. The validity of any of the information in it is not guaranteed. Nobody will be held liable or responsible for any damages caused from use or misuse of the information contained within this document.


(A)=Action (C)=Command (T)=Toggle or flag (V)=Variable (?)=Unknown (X)=Other (P)=Protocol

New for v1.06

auxlook (?) ban (C) force_centerview (C)
toggle_auxlook (T)

Changed since v1.01

connect (C) impulse (C) kick (C)
noexit (V) teamplay (V) timedemo (C)

Commands in v1.01

+attack / -attack (A) +back / -back (A) +forward / -forward (A)
+jump / -jump (A) +klook / -klook (A) +left / -left (A)
+lookdown / -lookdown (A) +lookup / -lookup (A) +mlook / -mlook (A)
+movedown / - movedown (A) +moveleft / -moveleft (A) +moveright / -moveright (A)
+moveup / -moveup (A) +right / -right (A) +showscores / -showscores (A)
+speed / -speed (A) +strafe / -strafe (A) +use / -use (A)
alias (C) ambient_fade (V) ambient_level (V)
begin (P) bgmbuffer (V) bgmvolume (V)
bind (C) bf (C) _cl_color (V)
_cl_name (V) _config_com_baud (V) _config_com_irq (V)
_config_com_modem (T) _config_com_port (V) _config_modem_clear (V)
_config_modem_dialtype (V) _config_modem_hangup (V) _config_modem_init (V)
cd (C) centerview (C) changelevel (C)
cl_anglespeedkey (V) cl_backspeed (V) cl_bob (V)
cl_bobcycle (V) cl_bobup (V) cl_forwardspeed (V)
cl_movespeedkey (V) cl_nolerp (?) cl_pitchspeed (V)
cl_rollangle (V) cl_rollspeed (V) cl_shownet (T)
cl_sidespeed (V) cl_upspeed (V) cl_yawspeed (V)
clear (C) cmd (?) color (C)
com1 / com2 (C) con_notifytime (V) connect (C)
coop (T) crosshair (T) d_mipcap (T)
d_mipscale (T) d_subdiv16 (T) deathmatch (T)
demos (C) developer (V) disconnect (C)
echo (C) edgefriction (V) edict (C)
edictcount (C) edicts (C) entities (C)
exec (C) flush (C) fly (T)
fov (V) fraglimit (V) gamma (V)
give (V) god (T) help (C)
host_framerate (V) host_speeds (T) hostname (V)
impulse (C) joybuttons (V) joystick (T)
kick (C) kill (C) listen (T)
load (C) loadas8bit (T) lookspring (T)
lookstrafe (T) m_filter (?) m_forward (V)
m_pitch (V) m_side (V) m_yaw (V)
map (C) maxplayers (V) menu_keys (C)
menu_load (C) menu_main (C) menu_multiplayer (C)
menu_options (C) menu_quit (C) menu_save (C)
menu_setup (C) menu_singleplayer (C) menu_video (C)
messagemode (C) messagemode2 (C) name (V)
net_messagetimeout (V) net_stats (C) noclip (T)
noexit (V) noisetrack (?) nosound (T)
notarget (T) path (C) pausable (T)
pause (C) ping (C) play (C)
playdemo (C) playvol (C) pointfile (C)
precache (T) prespawn (P) profile (C)
quit (C) r_aliastransadj (?) r_aliastransbase (?)
r_ambient (V) r_clearcolor (V) r_drawentities (T)
r_drawflat (T) r_draworder (T) r_drawviewmodel (T)
r_dspeeds (T) r_fullbright (T) r_graphheight (V)
r_maxedges (V) r_maxsurfs (V) r_numedges (T)
r_numsurfs (T) r_polymodelstats (T) r_reportedgeout (T)
r_reportsurfout (T) r_speeds (T) r_timegraph (T)
r_waterwarp (T) reconnect (C) record (C)
registered (T) restart (C) samelevel (T)
save (C) say (C) say_team (C)
sbinfo (C) scr_centertime (V) scr_conspeed (V)
scr_ofsx (V) scr_ofsy (V) scr_ofsz (V)
scr_printspeed (V) screenshot (V) sensitivity (V)
serverprofile (T) showpause (T) showram (T)
showturtle (T) sizedown (C) sizeup (C)
skill (V) slist (C) snd_noextraupdate (T)
snd_show (T) soundinfo (C) soundlist (C)
spawn (P) startdemos (C) status (C)
stop (C) stopdemo (C) stopsound (C)
stuffcmds (C) sv_accelerate (V) sv_aim (V)
sv_friction (V) sv_gravity (V) sv_idealpitchscale (V)
sv_maxspeed (V) sv_maxvelocity (V) sv_nostep (T)
sv_stopspeed (V) sys_ticrate (V) teamplay (V)
tell (C) temp1 (X) test (C)
test2 (C) timedemo (C) timelimit (V)
timerefresh (C) toggleconsole (C) togglemenu (C)
unbind (C) unbindall (C) _vid_default_mode (V)
_vid_wait_override (T) v_centermove (V) v_centerspeed (V)
v_cshift (?) v_idlescale (T) v_ipitch_cycle (V)
v_ipitch_level (V) v_iroll_cycle (V) v_iroll_level (V)
v_iyaw_cycle (V) v_iyaw_level (V) v_kickpitch (V)
v_kickroll (V) v_kicktime (V) version (C)
vid_describecurrentmode (C) vid_describemode (C) vid_describemodes (C)
vid_mode (C) vid_nopageflip (T) vid_nummodes (C)
vid_testmode (C) vid_wait (V) viewframe (X)
viewmodel (X) viewnext (X) viewprev (X)
viewsize (V) volume (V) wait (C)

+attack / -attack (A)

Syntax: +attack -attack

When attack is active the player is firing their current weapon

See also: impulse

+back / -back (A)

Syntax: +back -back

When back is active the player is moving backwards

See also: cl_backspeed

+forward / -forward (A)

Syntax: +forward -forward

When forward is active the player is moving forward

See also: cl_forwardspeed

+jump / -jump (A)

Syntax: +jump -jump

When jump is active the player is jumping

See also: sv_gravity

+klook / -klook (A)

Syntax: +klook -klook

When klook is active forward and back become lookup and lookdown.

+left / -left (A)

Syntax: +left -left

When left is active the player is turning left.

See also: cl_yawspeed

+lookdown / -lookdown (A)

Syntax: +lookdown -lookdown

When lookdown is active the player's view is moving down.

See also: cl_pitchspeed, centerview

+lookup / -lookup (A)

Syntax: +lookup -lookup

When lookup is active the player's view is moving up.

See also: cl_pitchspeed, centerview

+mlook / -mlook (A)

Syntax: +mlook -mlook

When mlook is active moving the mouse forwards and backwards performs a lookup and lookdown respectively.

+movedown / - movedown (A)

Syntax: +movedown -movedown

When movedown is active the player is swimming down in a liquid.

See also: cl_upspeed

+moveleft / -moveleft (A)

Syntax: +moveleft -moveleft

When moveleft is active the player is strafing left.

See also: cl_sidespeed

+moveright / -moveright (A)

Syntax: +moveright -moveright

When moveright is active the player is strafing right.

See also: cl_sidespeed

+moveup / -moveup (A)

Syntax: +moveup -moveup

When moveup is active the player is swimming up in a liquid.

See also: cl_upspeed

+right / -right (A)

Syntax: +right -right

When right is active the player is turning right.

See also: cl_yawspeed

+showscores / -showscores (A)

Syntax: +showscores -showscores

When showscores is active in single player mode the current level stats are shown on the status bar. In multiplayer mode the current frags are shown on the full screen.

+speed / -speed (A)

Syntax: +speed -speed

When speed is active the player is running.

See also: cl_movespeedkey, cl_anglespeedkey

+strafe / -strafe (A)

Syntax: +strafe -strafe

When strafe is active left and right function as +moveleft and +moveright strafing in that direction.

+use / -use (A)

Syntax: +use <?> -use

Sets the USE flag for the player. Currently not used by Quake.
Thanks to Sky Golightly <> for information on this command.

alias (C)

Syntax: alias <name> [command]

Using alias without the [command] option will erase the alias specified in <name>
From techinfo.txt:

See also: bind

ambient_fade (V)

Syntax: ambient_fade <n>

Default: 100

How quickly ambient sounds fade in/out. Higher values make the sound fade quicker.

See also: ambient_level

ambient_level (V)

Syntax: ambient_level <n>

Default: 0.3

How loud ambient sounds are. This includes wind, water, and other ambient sounds.

See also: ambient_fade

auxlook (?)(1.06)

Syntax: auxlook <?>

Default: 1

I thought this would allow the joystick to function like the mouse during a +mlook but I can't get it to work...

See also: toggle_auxlook

ban (C)(1.06)

Syntax: ban <ip address> [mask]

At long last you can ban those troublesome players. Just get their ip with the status command and enter it in. However, don't get your hopes up that much at this point. It is a quick hack and can only current handle one banned ip address. If you enter a higher order domain such as any player from that domain will be unable to play. Makes it easy to ban players from a particular ISP or site.
Once you have declared at least one banned site typing ban without an ip address will list the current sites that are being banned.
To use the higher order domain banning the format is: ban
Once banning has been turned on you can turn it off by using the command: ban off
Thanks to Daniel A. Sill <> for getting the low-down on this command.

See also: status

begin (P)

Syntax: begin

This command reports "Not valid from console" when run. It is part of the Quake client/server protocol. Sent by a client to a server after the client has processed the entity spawn messages and the client is ready to begin rendering and processing game update messages. Not for use by mortals.
Thanks to Sky Golightly <> for information on this command.

See aldo: prespawn, spawn

bgmbuffer (V)

Syntax: bgmbuffer <size>

Default: 4096

Amount of memory allocated for the background music buffer, used when playing from a cd.

See also: bgmvolume, cd

bgmvolume (V)

Syntax: bgmvolume <vol>

Default: 1.0

Volume of background cd music.

See also: cd, bgmbuffer

bind (C)

Syntax: bind <key> [command]

Used to bind a set of commands to a key.
From techinfo.txt:

To bind multiple command enclose the entire command in quotes and separate the commands with semicolons.
bind q "impulse 7; +attack; wait; -attack; impulse 5"
When using actions commands in a bind (ie +attack or +left) the first plus action will automatically have a minus added when the key is released. To prevent this start the command with a semicolon.
bind q ";+mlook" (This will keep mlook on until a -mlook is executed.)

See also: alias, unbind, unbindall

bf (C)

Syntax: bf

Background flash, used when you pick up an item.

_cl_color (V)

Syntax: _cl_color <value>

Default: 0

Set the player's color. The value is SC*16+PC where SC is shirt color and PC is pants color.

See also: color

_cl_name (V)

Syntax: _cl_name <string>

Default: Player

Sets the player's name. Works the same as the name command.

See also: name

_config_com_baud (V)

Syntax: _config_com_baud <value>

Default: 57600

Sets the default baud rate for the modem.

See also: com1/com2

_config_com_irq (V)

Syntax: _config_com_irq <value>

Default: 4

Sets the default irq for the modem.

See also: com1/com2

_config_com_modem (T)

Syntax: _config_com_modem <0/1>

Default: 0

This is a really weird option. If set to one then com1 gets the values that the _config_x commands sets. It doesn't work for com2 though. I think in general it's better just to use the com1 and com2 commands.

See also: com1/com2

_config_com_port (V)

Syntax: _config_com_port <value>

Default: 1016

Sets the default port for the modem. Use 0x to enter the number in hex.

See also: com1/com2

_config_modem_clear (V)

Syntax: _config_modem_clear <string>

Default: ATZ

Sets the default modem reset command.

See also: com1/com2

_config_modem_dialtype (V)

Syntax: _config_modem_dialtype <P/T>

Default: T

Sets the default dailing mode to Touch Tone (T) or Pulse (P).

See also: com1/com2

_config_modem_hangup (V)

Syntax: _config_modem_hangup <string>

Default: AT H

Sets the default hangup string for the modem.

See also: com1/com2

_config_modem_init (V)

Syntax: _config_modem_init <string>

Default: (none)

Sets the default modem init string.

See also: com1/com2

cd (C)

Syntax: cd [command]

Used to control the cd player.
From techinfo.txt:

See also: bgmvolume, bgmbuffer

centerview (C)

Syntax: centerview

Moves player's view back to straight ahead after a +lookup or +lookdown action.

See also: v_centerspeed, force_centerview

changelevel (C)

Syntax: changelevel <map>

Switch game play to selected level. Use this command instead of map when you are running a server. Unlike the map command changelevel won't disconnect all of the clients before loading the next level
Thanks to Howard Ship <> for the command clarification.

See also: map

cl_anglespeedkey (V)

Syntax: cl_anglespeedkey <speed>

Default: 1.5

Sets multiplier for how fast you turn when running.

See also: cl_yawspeed

cl_backspeed (V)

Syntax: cl_backspeed <speed>

Default: 400

Sets backward movement rate.

See also: sv_maxspeed, cl_movespeedkey

cl_bob (V)

Syntax: cl_bob <value>

Default: 0.02

Sets how much your weapon moves up and down when walking.

See also: cl_bobcycle, cl_bobup

cl_bobcycle (V)

Syntax: cl_bobcycle <value>

Default: 0.6

Sets how quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking.

See also: cl_bob, cl_bobup

cl_bobup (V)

Syntax: cl_bobup <value>

Default: 0.5

Sets how long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking

See also: cl_bob, cl_bob_cycle

cl_forwardspeed (V)

Syntax: cl_forwardspeed <speed>

Default: 200

Sets forward movement rate.

See also: sv_maxspeed, cl_movespeedkey

cl_movespeedkey (V)

Syntax: cl_movespeedkey <speed>

Default: 2.0

Set multiplier for how fast you move when running.

See also: cl_backspeed, cl_forwardspeed, sv_maxspeed

cl_nolerp (?)

Syntax: cl_nolerp <?>

Default: 0

Don't know what is does.

cl_pitchspeed (V)

Syntax: cl_pitchspeed <value>

Default: 150

Sets how fast you lookup and lookdown.

cl_rollangle (V)

Syntax: cl_rollangle <value>

Default: 2.0

Sets how much your screen tilts when strafing.

See also: cl_rollspeed

cl_rollspeed (V)

Syntax: cl_rollspeed <speed>

Default: 200

Sets how quickly you straighten out after strafing.

See also: cl_rollangle

cl_shownet (T)

Syntax: cl_shownet <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggle the display of current net status (Doesn't mean much to me.)
Example output:

cl_sidespeed (V)

Syntax: cl_sidespeed <speed>

Default: 350

Sets how quickly you strafe.

cl_upspeed (V)

Syntax: cl_upspeed <speed>

Default: 200

Effects how quickly you moveup and movedown in liquids. Kind of strange that upspeed also effects your downspeed?

cl_yawspeed (V)

Syntax: cl_yawspeed <speed>

Default: 140

Sets how quickly you turn left or right.

See also: cl_anglespeedkey

clear (C)

Syntax: clear

Clears the console screen.

cmd (?)

Syntax: cmd <?>

Don't know what it does.

color (C)

Syntax: color <shirt> <pants>

Sets the player's colors. If just the shirt color is used the pants color will be the same.

See also: _cl_color

com1 / com2 (C)

Syntax: com1 [command] com2 [command]

Control the com ports on your computer. From techinfo.txt:

See also: _config_com_baud, _config_com_irq, _config_com_modem, _config_com_port, _config_modem_clear, _config_modem_dialtype, _config_modem_hangup, _config_modem_init

con_notifytime (V)

Syntax: con_notifytime <time>

Default: 3

Sets how long messages are displayed when playing.

connect (C)

Syntax: connect <server>

Connect to a Quake server. The name can be an absolute LAN address, IP, or hostname, depending on your network connection.
In v1.06 you can also use the following format "connect" to connect to a certian udpport of a server. Make sure you use the quotes ("") otherwise it doesn't work. See also: slist, disconnect, reconnect

coop (T)

Syntax: coop <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggle the cooperative play mode in network games.

See also: deathmatch, teamplay

crosshair (T)

Syntax: crosshair <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggle the display of an aiming crosshair.

d_mipcap (V)

Syntax: d_mipcap <value>

Default: 0

Sets the detail level. Values range from 0-3 with 0 giving the highest detail.
Thanks to James Boswell <> for improved documentation on this command.

See also: d_mipscale, d_subdiv16

d_mipscale (V)

Syntax: d_mipscale <value>

Default: 1

Sets how much detail distant objects have. Values range from 0-40 with 0 not bluring distant objects at all. (Uses lots of ram if set to 0)
Thanks to James Boswell <> for improved documentation on this command.

See also: d_mipcap, d_subdiv16

d_subdiv16 (T)

Syntax: d_subdiv16 <0/1>

Default: 1

Toggle extreme perspective correction.
From techinfo.txt:

See also: d_mipcap, d_mipscale

deathmatch (T)

Syntax: deathmatch <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggle the deathmatch play mode in network games.

See also: coop, teamplay

demos (C)

Syntax: demos

Start playing queued demo(s) or cycle to next one if already playing.

See also: playdemo, startdemos, stopdemo, record

developer (V)

Syntax: developer <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggle display of extra debugging information.
Sample output:

Thanks to Scott McDermott <> for getting me to document this command.

disconnect (C)

Syntax: disconnect

Leave current server.

See also: connect, reconnect

echo (C)

Syntax: echo <string>

Print text to your own console.

edgefriction (V)

Syntax: edgefriction <value>

Default: 2

Sets how easy it is to fall off an edge.

edict (C)

Syntax: edict <value>

Get information on an edict in the game. This dumps a bunch of information about the object.
Example output:

See also: edictcount, edicts

edictcount (C)

Syntax: edictcount

Display summary information about game edicts.
Example output:

See also: edict, edicts

edicts (C)

Syntax: edicts

Display information on all edicts in game.

See also: edict, edictcount

entities (C)

Syntax: entities

Display a list of used objects in the game.
Example output:

exec (C)

Syntax: exec <filename>

Execute a script file.

flush (C)

Syntax: flush

Clears the current game cache this includes cached sounds.

See also: precache, soundlist

fly (T)

Syntax: fly

Default: Off

Toggle fly mode. Use moveup and movedown to adjust height.

force_centerview (C)(1.06)

Syntax: force_centerview

Snaps the view back to the center regardless if you are in a +mlook, +klook, +lookup, or +lookdown.

See also: centerview

fov (V)

Syntax: fov <value>

Default: 90

Sets the field of vision which determines how close you are to the objects.

fraglimit (V)

Syntax: fraglimit <value>

Default: 0

Sets the number of frags needed before exiting a level.

See also: timelimit, noexit, samelevel

gamma (V)

Syntax: gamma <value>

Default: 0.0

Sets the gamma correction level (aka brightness.)

See also: r_fullbright

give (V)

Syntax: give <item> <amount>

Give yourself an amount of an item. I still haven't been able to figure out how to get armor.

Item Description Maximum
1 Axe
2 Shotgun
3 Double Shotgun
4 Nailgun
5 Super Nailgun
6 Grenade Launcher
7 Rocket Launcher
8 Lighting Gun
C Batteries 255
H Health 32767
N Nails 255
R Rockets 255
S Shotgun Shells 255

god (T)

Syntax: god

Default: Off

Toggle god mode.

help (C)

Syntax: help

Bring up the help system (like pressing F1.)

host_framerate (V)

Syntax: host_framerate <value>

Default: 0

This adjusts the time rate in Quake. A value of 0.1 is very fast and almost unplayable. A value of 0.01 will make the gameplay speedy, but still leaves some decent control. After you change the value, exit the console and hold the "TAB" key. Notice the time indicator on the bottom right. The higher the rate, the faster time passes.
Thanks to "K. Andrew Knies" <> for everything about this command.

host_speeds (T)

Syntax: host_speeds <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggle the display of host info. They are in order: total time, server time, graphics time, and sound time. Each one is represented in ms and indicates the total time spend in each sub-system.
Sample output:

See also: snd_noextraupdate

hostname (V)

Syntax: hostname <name>

Default: unnamed or local

Sets the hostname of your computer.

impulse (C)

Syntax: impulse <value>

Perform weapon selection and also a few cheats.

Value Action
1-8 Select corresponding weapon
9 Gives you all the weapons and keys
10 Selects your next weapon by numerical value
11 Gives you a rune
12 Selects your last weapon by numerical value (1.06)
255 Gives you quad damage

joybuttons (V)

Syntax: joybuttons <value> Sets the number of buttons on your joystick.

See also: joystick

joystick (T)

Syntax: joystick <0/1>

Toggles if you have a joystick or not.

See also: joybuttons

kick (C)

Syntax: kick <player> or <# player-number>

Kick a player off of a network game. Only valid from the server console.
Under v1.06 you can also kick a player based on their number listed in the status command. (Haven't tried the kick by number yet but it should work. I also believe that you will need the extra spaces between the # and the player-number.)
Thanks to Jim Peterson <> for an update on this command.

See also: status

kill (C)

Syntax: kill

Reduce your health to zero.

listen (T)

Syntax: listen <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles if the server will "listen" for connections.

load (C)

Syntax: load <filename>

Load a saved game.

See also: save, menu_load

loadas8bit (T)

Syntax: loadas8bit <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles if sounds are loaded as only 8-bit.

lookspring (T)

Syntax: lookspring <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles if the view will recenter after mlook is deactivated. Only works with the mouse and joystick.

See also: centerview

lookstrafe (T)

Syntax: lookstrafe <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles if turn left and right will strafe left and right when a mlook is active. Only works with the mouse.

m_filter (?)

Syntax: m_filter <?>

Default: 1

Don't know what it does. (Probably has to do with the mouse.)

m_forward (V)

Syntax: m_forward <value>

Default: 1

Sets how quickly moving the mouse forwards and backwards causes the player to move in the respective direction.

m_pitch (V)

Syntax: m_pitch <value>

Default: 0.022

Sets how quickly you lookup and lookdown with the mouse when a mlook is active.

m_side (V)

Syntax: m_side <value>

Default: 0.8

Sets how quickly you strafe left and right with the mouse.

m_yaw (V)

Syntax: m_yaw <value>

Default: 0.022

Sets how quickly you turn left and right with the mouse.

map (C)

Syntax: map <name>

Load an start a new map. Use of this command on a multiplayer server isn't recommended because it disconnects all of the clients before loading the next level. The changelevel command is preferred in this instance.
Thanks to Howard Ship <> for the command clarification.

Name Description Name Description
Deathmatch Arena
dm6 The Dark Zone dm5 The Cistern
dm4 The Bad Place dm3 The Abandoned Base
dm2 Claustrophobopolis dm1 Place of Two Deaths
Final Level
end Shub-Niggurath's Pit
The Elder World
e4m8 The Nameless City e4m7 Azure Agony
e4m6 The Pain Maze e4m5 Hell's Atrium
e4m4 The Palace of Hate e4m3 The Elder God Shrine
e4m2 The Tower of Despair e4m1 The Sewage System
e3m7 The Haunted Halls e3m6 Chambers of Torment
e3m5 Wind Tunnels e3m4 Satan's Dark Delight
e3m3 The Tomb of Terror e3m2 The Vaults of Zin
e3m1 Termination Central
Realm of Black Magic
e2m7 Underearth e2m6 The Dismal Oubliette
e2m5 The Wizard's Manse e2m4 The Ebon Fortress
e2m3 Crypt of Decay e2m2 Ogre Citadel
e2m1 The Installation
Doomed Dimension
e1m8 Ziggurat Vertigo e1m7 The House of Chthon
e1m6 The Door To Chthon e1m5 Gloom Keep
e1m4 The Grisly Grotto e1m3 The Necropolis
e1m2 Castle of the Damned e1m1 Slipgate Complex
Welcome to Quake
start Entrance

See also: changelevel, restart

maxplayers (V)

Syntax: maxplayers <value>

Default: 1

Sets the number of players that can connect to a server. (Must use the command line to go above 4. Can't be changed while the server is running.)

menu_keys (C)

Syntax: menu_keys

Brings up the key customization menu.

See also: menu_load, menu_main, menu_multiplayer, menu_options, menu_quit, menu_save, menu_setup, menu_singleplayer, menu_video

menu_load (C)

Syntax: menu_load

Brings up the load game menu.

See also: menu_keys, menu_main, menu_multiplayer, menu_options, menu_quit, menu_save, menu_setup, menu_singleplayer, menu_video

menu_main (C)

Syntax: menu_main

Brings up the main menu.

See also: togglemenu, menu_keys, menu_load, menu_multiplayer, menu_options, menu_quit, menu_save, menu_setup, menu_singleplayer, menu_video

menu_multiplayer (C)

Syntax: menu_multiplayer

Brings up the multiplayer game option menu. See also: menu_keys, menu_load, menu_main, menu_options, menu_quit, menu_save, menu_setup, menu_singleplayer, menu_video

menu_options (C)

Syntax: menu_options

Brings up the options menu. See also: menu_keys, menu_load, menu_main, menu_multiplayer, menu_quit, menu_save, menu_setup, menu_singleplayer, menu_video

menu_quit (C)

Syntax: menu_quit

Brings up the quit dialog box. See also: quit, menu_keys, menu_load, menu_main, menu_multiplayer, menu_options, menu_save, menu_setup, menu_singleplayer, menu_video

menu_save (C)

Syntax: menu_save

Brings up the save game menu. See also: menu_keys, menu_load, menu_main, menu_multiplayer, menu_options, menu_quit, menu_setup, menu_singleplayer, menu_video

menu_setup (C)

Syntax: menu_setup

Brings up the setup menu. See also: menu_keys, menu_load, menu_main, menu_multiplayer, menu_options, menu_quit, menu_save, menu_singleplayer, menu_video

menu_singleplayer (C)

Syntax: menu_singleplayer

Brings up the single player option menu. See also: menu_keys, menu_load, menu_main, menu_multiplayer, menu_options, menu_quit, menu_save, menu_setup, menu_video

menu_video (C)

Syntax: menu_video

Brings up the video option menu. See also: menu_keys, menu_load, menu_main, menu_multiplayer, menu_options, menu_quit, menu_save, menu_setup, menu_singleplayer

messagemode (C)

Syntax: messagemode

Prompts for string to broadcast to all other players. This command can not be used on a dedicated server because it lacks the graphic environment. Use a say or say_team command from a dedicated server.
Thanks to Robert Coward INF-SP <> for improved documentation of this command.

See also: messagemode2, say, say_team

messagemode2 (C)

Syntax: messagemode2

Prompts for string to broadcast to your team members. This command can not be used on a dedicated server because it lacks the graphic environment. Use a say or say_team command from a dedicated server.
Thanks to Robert Coward INF-SP <> for improved documentation of this command.

See also: messagemode, say, say_team

name (V)

Syntax: name <string>

Default: Player

Sets your name that other players will see and what console messages will use.

See also: _cl_name

net_messagetimeout (V)

Syntax: net_messagetimeout <value>

Default: 300

Sets how long the program waits for network info before considering the connection broken.

net_stats (C)

Syntax: net_stats

Reports a summary of the current net information.
Example output:

noclip (T)

Syntax: noclip

Default: Off

Toggle no clipping mode.

noexit (V)

Syntax: noexit <value>

Default: 0

Toggles if players can leave the current level. Useful for servers that what to use only one map. Set noexit equal to 1 to enable this option.
v1.06 corrects a bug that didn't allow people to leave the "start" or "end" maps if this option was set. Under v1.06 it works like this on the "start" map:
0 = noexit off (people can exit at any point)
1 = noexit on (goes through the levels in order. exits the "start" map when either the fraglimit or timelimit has been reached)
2 = noexit on (players may exit into what ever episode they want from the "start" map before the fraglimit or timelimit has been reached)
In both cases the noexit flag works as normal on all other levels.
See also: fraglimit, timelimit, samelevel

noisetrack (?)

Syntax: noisetrack <?>

This command reports "Couldn't open" when run.

nosound (T)

Syntax: nosound <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles if sound is on.

notarget (T)

Syntax: notarget

Default: Off

Toggle if creatures automatically attack player.

path (C)

Syntax: path

Show what paths Quake is using.
Example output:

pausable (T)

Syntax: pausable <0/1>

Default: 1

Toggles if players can pause the game.

See also: pause

pause (C)

Syntax: pause

Pause and unpause the game.

See also: pausable

ping (C)

Syntax: ping

Find the ping time to the server and to all other connected players.
Example output:

play (C)

Syntax: play <name>

Play a sound effect.

ambience/buzz1.wav ambience/comp1.wav ambience/drip1.wav ambience/drone6.wav
ambience/fire1.wav ambience/fl_hum1.wav ambience/hum1.wav ambience/suck1.wav
ambience/swamp1.wav ambience/swamp2.wav ambience/thunder1.wav ambience/water1.wav
ambience/wind2.wav ambience/windfly.wav blob/death1.wav blob/hit1.wav
blob/land1.wav blob/sight1.wav boss1/death.wav boss1/out1.wav
boss1/pain.wav boss1/sight1.wav boss1/throw.wav boss2/death.wav
boss2/idle.wav boss2/pop2.wav boss2/sight.wav buttons/airbut1.wav
buttons/switch02.wav buttons/switch04.wav buttons/switch21.wav demon/ddeath.wav
demon/dhit2.wav demon/djump.wav demon/dland2.wav demon/dpain1.wav
demon/idle1.wav demon/sight2.wav dog/dattack1.wav dog/ddeath.wav
dog/dpain1.wav dog/dsight.wav dog/idle.wav doors/airdoor1.wav
doors/airdoor2.wav doors/basesec1.wav doors/basesec2.wav doors/basetry.wav
doors/baseuse.wav doors/ddoor1.wav doors/ddoor2.wav doors/doormv1.wav
doors/drclos4.wav doors/hydro1.wav doors/hydro2.wav doors/latch2.wav
doors/medtry.wav doors/meduse.wav doors/runetry.wav doors/runeuse.wav
doors/stndr1.wav doors/stndr2.wav doors/winch2.wav enforcer/death1.wav
enforcer/enfire.wav enforcer/enfstop.wav enforcer/idle1.wav enforcer/pain1.wav
enforcer/pain2.wav enforcer/sight1.wav enforcer/sight2.wav enforcer/sight3.wav
enforcer/sight4.wav fish/bite.wav fish/death.wav fish/idle.wav
hknight/attack1.wav hknight/death1.wav hknight/grunt.wav hknight/hit.wav
hknight/idle.wav hknight/pain1.wav hknight/sight1.wav hknight/slash1.wav
items/armor1.wav items/damage.wav items/damage2.wav items/damage3.wav
items/health1.wav items/inv1.wav items/inv2.wav items/inv3.wav
items/itembk2.wav items/protect.wav items/protect2.wav items/protect3.wav
items/r_item1.wav items/r_item2.wav items/suit.wav items/suit2.wav
knight/idle.wav knight/kdeath.wav knight/khurt.wav knight/ksight.wav
knight/sword1.wav knight/sword2.wav misc/basekey.wav misc/h2ohit1.wav
misc/medkey.wav misc/menu1.wav misc/menu2.wav misc/menu3.wav
misc/null.wav misc/outwater.wav misc/power.wav misc/r_tele1.wav
misc/r_tele2.wav misc/r_tele3.wav misc/r_tele4.wav misc/r_tele5.wav
misc/runekey.wav misc/secret.wav misc/talk.wav misc/trigger1.wav
misc/water1.wav misc/water2.wav ogre/ogdrag.wav ogre/ogdth.wav
ogre/ogidle.wav ogre/ogidle2.wav ogre/ogpain1.wav ogre/ogsawatk.wav
ogre/ogwake.wav plats/medplat1.wav plats/medplat2.wav plats/plat1.wav
plats/plat2.wav plats/train1.wav plats/train2.wav player/axhit1.wav
player/axhit2.wav player/death1.wav player/death2.wav player/death3.wav
player/death4.wav player/death5.wav player/drown1.wav player/drown2.wav
player/gasp1.wav player/gasp2.wav player/gib.wav player/h2odeath.wav
player/h2ojump.wav player/inh2o.wav player/inlava.wav player/land.wav
player/land2.wav player/lburn1.wav player/lburn2.wav player/pain1.wav
player/pain2.wav player/pain3.wav player/pain4.wav player/pain5.wav
player/pain6.wav player/plyrjmp8.wav player/slimbrn2.wav player/teledth1.wav
player/tornoff2.wav player/udeath.wav shalrath/attack.wav shalrath/attack2.wav
shalrath/death.wav shalrath/idle.wav shalrath/pain.wav shalrath/sight.wav
shambler/melee1.wav shambler/melee2.wav shambler/sattck1.wav shambler/sboom.wav
shambler/sdeath.wav shambler/shurt2.wav shambler/sidle.wav shambler/smack.wav
shambler/ssight.wav soldier/death1.wav soldier/idle.wav soldier/pain1.wav
soldier/pain2.wav soldier/sattck1.wav soldier/sight1.wav vomitus/v_sight1.wav
weapons/ax1.wav weapons/bounce.wav weapons/grenade.wav weapons/guncock.wav
weapons/lhit.wav weapons/lock4.wav weapons/lstart.wav weapons/pkup.wav
weapons/r_exp3.wav weapons/ric1.wav weapons/ric2.wav weapons/ric3.wav
weapons/rocket1i.wav weapons/sgun1.wav weapons/shotgn2.wav weapons/spike2.wav
weapons/tink1.wav wizard/hit.wav wizard/wattack.wav wizard/wdeath.wav
wizard/widle1.wav wizard/widle2.wav wizard/wpain.wav wizard/wsight.wav
zombie/idle_w2.wav zombie/z_fall.wav zombie/z_gib.wav zombie/z_hit.wav
zombie/z_idle.wav zombie/z_idle1.wav zombie/z_miss.wav zombie/z_pain.wav
zombie/z_pain1.wav zombie/z_shot1.wav

See also: playvol, volume

playdemo (C)

Syntax: playdemo <filename>

Play a demo.

See also: demos, startdemos, stopdemo, record

playvol (C)

Syntax: playvol <filename> <volume>

Play a sound at a given volume. See play for a list of sounds.

See also: play

pointfile (C)

Syntax: pointfile <filename.pts>

If qbsp generates a non-zero .pts file a leak exists in the level. This file is created in the maps directory. By using the pointfile command, it will load the .pts file and give a dotted line indicating where the leak(s) are on the level.
Thanks to Sam Kenny <> for the documentation of this command.

precache (T)

Syntax: precache <0/1>

Default: 1

Toggle the use of a precache. This caches sound and other game data.

See also: flush

prespawn (P)

Syntax: prespawn

This command reports "Not valid from console" when run. Part of the Quake client/server protcol. Sent by a client to a server after the client has processed the sign-on message from the server and the client is ready to process the ??? messages. Not for use by mortals.
Thanks to Sky Golightly <> for information on this command.

See also: begin, spawn

profile (C)

Syntax: profile <command>

Report info about which Quake C commands have been called the most. If the command all is used it will dump every function call made.
Example output:

Thanks to Nelson Hicks <> for added documentation for this command.

quit (C)

Syntax: quit

Exit the game no questions asked.

See also: menu_quit

r_aliastransadj (?)

Syntax: r_aliastransadj <?>

Default: 200

Don't know what it does.

r_aliastransbase (?)

Syntax: r_aliastransbase <?>

Default: 200

Don't know what it does.

r_ambient (V)

Syntax: r_ambient <value>

Default: 0

Sets how bright the rooms are by default. This applies regardless even if a seperate light source exists for a room.

Thanks to Scott McDermott <> for the documentation for this command.

See also: r_fullbright

r_clearcolor (V)

Syntax: r_clearcolor <value>

Default: 2

This sets the color for areas outside of the current map. You will really only see it if you have no clipping on and walk "outside".

r_drawentities (T)

Syntax: r_drawentities <0/1>

Default: 1

Toggles the drawing of objects like doors, bars, buttons, monsters, items, nails, rockets, and grenades.

r_drawflat (T)

Syntax: r_drawflat <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles the drawing of texture maps (0=use texture maps.)

r_draworder (T)

Syntax: r_draworder <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles correct drawing order. (1=x-ray vision.)

r_drawviewmodel (T)

Syntax: r_drawviewmodel <0/1>

Default: 1

Toggles the drawing of your weapon.

r_dspeeds (T)

Syntax: r_dspeeds <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles the displaying of information. (What it is I don't know.)
Example output:

r_fullbright (T)

Syntax: r_fullbright <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles whether light shading is in effect.

See also: gamma

r_graphheight (V)

Syntax: r_graphheight <value>

Default: 10

Set the number of lines displayed in the timegraph.

See also: r_timegraph

r_maxedges (V)

Syntax: r_maxedges <value>

Default: 2000

Sets the maximum number of edges. Haven't seen any effect on the game or any change when displaying edge stats.

See also: r_numedges, r_reportedgeout

r_maxsurfs (V)

Syntax: r_maxsurfs <value>

Default: 1000

Sets the maximum number of surfaces. Haven't seen any effect on the game or any change when displaying surface stats.

See also: r_numsurfs, r_reportsurfout

r_numedges (T)

Syntax: r_numedges <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles the displaying of number of edges currently being viewed.
Example output:

See also: r_maxedges, r_reportedgeout

r_numsurfs (T)

Syntax: r_numsurfs <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles the displaying of number of surfaces currently being viewed.
Example output:

See also: r_maxsurfs, r_reportsurfout

r_polymodelstats (T)

Syntax: r_polymodelstats <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles the displays of number of polygon models current being viewed.
Example output:

r_reportedgeout (T)

Syntax: r_reportedgeout <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggle the display of how many edges where not displayed. I've never had this happen during normal game play, only when in noclip mode.

See also: r_maxedges, r_numedges

r_reportsurfout (T)

Syntax: r_reportsurfout <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggle the display of how many surfaces where not displayed. This shouldn't happen during normal game play, only when in noclip mode.

See also: r_maxsurfs, r_numsurfs

r_speeds (T)

Syntax: r_speeds <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles the displaying of drawing time and stats of what is currently being viewed.
Example output:

r_timegraph (T)

Syntax: r_timegraph <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggle the display of a performance graph. (Lower levels is better performance.)

See also: r_graphheight

r_waterwarp (T)

Syntax: r_waterwarp <0/1>

Default: 1

Toggles whether surfaces are warped when in a liquid.

reconnect (C)

Syntax: reconnect

Reconnect to last server.

See also: connect, disconnect

record (C)

Syntax: record <filename> <map> [cd track]

Record a demo on a map using an optional cd track.

See also: stop, playdemo

registered (T)

Syntax: registered <0/1>

Default: 0 for SW

Toggles if the game is registered or not.

restart (C)

Syntax: restart

Restart the current level.

See also: map, changelevel

samelevel (T)

Syntax: samelevel <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles whether exiting a level advances to the next one.

See also: fraglimit, timelimit, noexit

save (C)

Syntax: save <filename>

Save a game.

See also: load, menu_save

say (C)

Syntax: say <string>

Broadcast a string to all other players. The string is entered on the console, unlike the messagemode and messagemode2 commands, allowing it to be used on a dedicated server.
Thanks to Robert Coward INF-SP <> for improved documentation of this command.

See also: messagemode, messagemode2, say_team

say_team (C)

Syntax: say_team <string>

Broadcast a string to all players on your team. The string is entered on the console, unlike the messagemode and messagemode2 commands, allowing it to be used on a dedicated server.
Thanks to Robert Coward INF-SP <> for improved documentation of this command.

See also: messagemode2, messagemode, say

sbinfo (C)

Syntax: sbinfo

Report current Sound Blaster settings.
Example output:

scr_centertime (V)

Syntax: scr_centertime <time>

Default: 2

Sets how long the screen hints are displayed on the screen. This includes messages like "Step into the slipgate...".
Thanks to Sky Golightly <> for information on this command.

scr_conspeed (V)

Syntax: scr_conspeed <value>

Default: 300

Sets how quickly the console screen scrolls up and down.

scr_ofsx (V)

Syntax: scr_ofsx <value>

Default: 0

Sets how much to offset the view in the x direction.

See also: scr_ofsy, scr_ofsz

scr_ofsy (V)

Syntax: scr_ofsy <value>

Default: 0

Sets how much to offset the view in the y direction.

See also: scr_ofsx, scr_ofsz

scr_ofsz (V)

Syntax: scr_ofsz <value>

Default: 0

Sets how much to offset the view in the z direction.

See also: scr_ofsx, scr_ofsy

scr_printspeed (V)

Syntax: scr_printspeed <speed>

Default: 8

Controls how fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes.
Thanks to Phrog`gee <> for the syntax of this command.

screenshot (V)

Syntax: screenshot

Captures a .pcx file of your current view. Automatically names based on the existence of other screenshots.

sensitivity (V)

Syntax: sensitivity <value>

Default: 3

Sets the sensitivity of the mouse.

serverprofile (T)

Syntax: serverprofile <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles if server stats are displayed.
Example output:

showpause (T)

Syntax: showpause <0/1>

Default: 1

Toggles if the pause icon appears when the game is paused.

See also: showram, showturtle

showram (T)

Syntax: showram <0/1>

Default: 1

Toggles if the ram icon appears when then game is running out of memory.

See also: showpause, showturtle

showturtle (T)

Syntax: showturtle <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggle if the turtle icon is displayed when the frame rate drops below 10.

See also: showpause, showram

sizedown (C)

Syntax: sizedown

Reduces the screen size.

See also: sizeup, viewsize

sizeup (C)

Syntax: sizeup

Increases the screen size.

See also: sizedown, viewsize

skill (V)

Syntax: skill <level>

Set the skill level of the game. Useful to set before recording a demo.

Value Difficulty
0 Easy
1 Normal
2 Hard
3 Nightmare

slist (C)

Syntax: slist

Show Quake servers located on the LAN.

See also: connect

snd_noextraupdate (T)

Syntax: snd_noextraupdate <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect.
From techinfo.txt:

See also: host_speeds

snd_show (T)

Syntax: snd_show <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles the display of sounds currently being played.
Example output:

soundinfo (C)

Syntax: soundinfo

Reports information on the sound system.
Example output:

soundlist (C)

Syntax: soundlist

Reports a list of sounds current cached.
Example output:

See also: flush

spawn (P)

Syntax: spawn

This command reports "Not valid from console" when run. Part of the Quake client/server protocol. Sent by a client to a server after the client has processed the prespawn messages and the client is ready to process the entity spawn messages. Not for use by mortals.
Thanks to Sky Golightly <> for information on this command.

See also: begin, prespawn

startdemos (C)

Syntax: startdemos <filename1> <filename2> <...>

Setup a queue of demos to loop. Note: once you queue 3 demos your list must always have 3 demos in it. Likewise if you queue 5 future lists must also have 5 demos in them. If after queueing up 4 demos you then queue 2 the two demos from the 4 demo queue will be played after your two newly queued demos.

See also: demos, playdemo, stopdemo

status (C)

Syntax: status

Report current game information.
Example output:

stop (C)

Syntax: stop

Stop the recording of a demo.

See also: record

stopdemo (C)

Syntax: stopdemo

Stops the current playback of demos.

See also: playdemo, demos

stopsound (C)

Syntax: stopsound

Stops all sounds currently being played.

stuffcmds (C)

Syntax: stuffcmds

Starts execution of command line parameters. (Used during game startup.)

sv_accelerate (V)

Syntax: sv_accelerate <value>

Default: 10

Sets how quickly objects accelerate.

sv_aim (V)

Syntax: sv_aim <value>

Default: 0.93

Sets how much leniency there is in the vertical aim when shooting at a target. (0.0 gives the most leniency.)

sv_friction (V)

Syntax: sv_friction <value>

Default: 4

Sets how much friction there is.

sv_gravity (V)

Syntax: sv_gravity <value>

Default: 800

Sets how much gravity there is.

sv_idealpitchscale (V)

Syntax: sv_idealpitchscale <value>

Default: 0.8

Sets how much a player's view changes when on steps or an incline.

sv_maxspeed (V)

Syntax: sv_maxspeed <value>

Default: 320

Sets the maximum rate at which a player can move.

See also: cl_backspeed, cl_forwardspeed, cl_movespeedkey

sv_maxvelocity (V)

Syntax: sv_maxvelocity <value>

Default: 2000

Sets the maximum speed at which anything can move including ammunition.

sv_nostep (T)

Syntax: sv_nostep <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles if players automatically walk up steps or if they have to jump up them.

sv_stopspeed (V)

Syntax: sv_stopspeed <value>

Default: 100

Sets how quickly objects stop moving.

sys_ticrate (V)

Syntax: sys_ticrate <value>

Default: 0.05

From techinfo.txt:

teamplay (T)

Syntax: teamplay <value>

Default: 0

Toggles whether team mode is on during networked games. Set teamplay to 1 to turn this option on.
Under v1.06 teamplay 2 was added which allows you to hurt yourself and your team, but if you kill someone on your team you lose a frag.

See also: coop, deathmatch

tell (C)

Syntax: tell <player> <string>

Send a message to a single player. Very nice in large network games.

temp1 (X)

A variable used mainly by Quake C programmers for just about anything.

test (C)

Syntax: test <server>

Reports information about the players currently on the selected server.
Example output:

Thanks to Brian Jones <> for the syntax of this command.

test2 (C)

Syntax: test2 <server>

Reports information about the current conditions the selected server has.
Example output:

Thanks to Brian Jones <> for the syntax of this command.

timedemo (C)

Syntax: timedemo <demoname>

Gets demo speed and time. Only works correctly under v1.06.
Example output:

timelimit (V)

Syntax: timelimit <value>

Default: 0

Set a time to play the level before advancing to the next one.

See also: fraglimit, noexit, samelevel

timerefresh (C)

Syntax: timerefresh

Does a quick test to find out video refresh for your current location. It calculates this based on doing a 360 degree turn.
Example output:

toggle_auxlook (T)(1.06)

Syntax: toggle_auxlook

Toggles if auxlook is on or off.

See also: auxlook

toggleconsole (C)

Syntax: toggleconsole

Display or remove the console screen.

togglemenu (C)

Syntax: togglemenu

Display the menu screens.

See also: menu_main

unbind (C)

Syntax: unbind <key>

Remove the current commands bound to a key.

See also: unbindall, bind

unbindall (C)

Syntax: unbindall

Remove every key binding. (Use with caution. Current key bindings are saved when you exit so if you unbindall then exit only the ESC key will work. Trust me I know!)

See also: unbind, bind

_vid_default_mode (V)

Syntax: _vid_default_mode <mode>

Default: 0

Sets the default video mode that Quake uses.

See also: menu_video

_vid_wait_override (T)

Syntax: _vid_wait_override <0/1>

Default: 0

From techinfo.txt:

v_centermove (V)

Syntax: v_centermove <value>

Default: 0.15

Sets how far the player must move forward before the view recenters. A big help for those people that like to use the keyboard.
Thanks to James Boswell &> for the documentation of this command.

v_centerspeed (V)

Syntax: v_centerspeed <value>

Default: 500

Sets how quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown.

See also: centerview

v_cshift (?)

Syntax: v_cshift <?>

Don't know what it does.

v_idlescale (T)

Syntax: v_idlescale <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles whether the the view remains idle. (You can get some cool effects if you turn this on.)

See also: v_ipitch_cycle, v_ipitch_level, v_iroll_cycle, v_iroll_level, v_iyaw_cycle, v_iyaw_level

v_ipitch_cycle (V)

Syntax: v_ipitch_cycle <value>

Default: 1

Sets how quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is active.

See also: v_idlescale, v_ipitch_level

v_ipitch_level (V)

Syntax: v_ipitch_level <value>

Default: 0.3

Sets how far lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is active.

See also: v_idlescale, v_ipitch_cycle

v_iroll_cycle (V)

Syntax: v_iroll_cycle <value>

Default: 0.5

Sets how quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is active.

See also: v_idlescale, v_iroll_level

v_iroll_level (V)

Syntax: v_iroll_level <value>

Default: 0.1

Sets how far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is active.

See also: v_idlescale, v_iroll_cycle

v_iyaw_cycle (V)

Syntax: v_iyaw_cycle <value>

Default: 2

Sets how quickly you look left and right when v_idlescale is active.

See also: v_idlescale, v_iyaw_level

v_iyaw_level (V)

Syntax: v_iyaw_level <value>

Default: 0.3

Sets how far you look left and right when v_idlescale is active.

See also: v_idlescale, v_iyaw_cycle

v_kickpitch (V)

Syntax: v_kickpitch <value>

Default: 0.6

Sets how much you look up when hit.

See also: v_kickroll, v_kicktime

v_kickroll (V)

Syntax: v_kickroll <value>

Default: 0.6

Sets how much you lean when hit.

See also: v_kickpitch, v_kicktime

v_kicktime (V)

Syntax: v_kicktime <value>

Default: 0.5

Sets how long the "kick" effects last.

See also: v_kickpitch, v_kickroll

version (C)

Syntax: version

Report version information.
Example output:

vid_describecurrentmode (C)

Syntax: vid_describecurrentmode

Default: 0

Report current video mode.

See also: vid_describemode, vid_describemodes, vid_mode, vid_nummodes, vid_testmode, menu_video

vid_describemode (C)

Syntax: vid_describemode <mode>

Report information on selected videomode.

See also: vid_describecurrentmode, vid_describemodes, vid_mode, vid_nummodes, vid_testmode, menu_video

vid_describemodes (C)

Syntax: vid_describemodes

Report information on all video modes.
Example output:

See also: vid_describecurrentmode, vid_describemode, vid_mode, vid_nummodes, vid_testmode, menu_video

vid_mode (C)

Syntax: vid_mode <mode>

Sets the video mode.

See also: vid_describecurrentmode, vid_describemode, vid_describemodes, vid_nummodes, vid_testmode, menu_video

vid_nopageflip (T)

Syntax: vid_nopageflip <0/1>

Default: 0

Toggles whether page flipping is disabled.
From techinfo.txt:

vid_nummodes (C)

Syntax: vid_nummodes

Reports the total number of videomodes available.

See also: vid_describecurrentmode, vid_describemode, vid_describemodes, vid_mode, vid_testmode, menu_video

vid_testmode (C)

Syntax: vid_testmode <mode>

Switch to another videomode temporarily to test it.

See also: vid_describecurrentmode, vid_describemode, vid_describemodes, vid_mode, vid_nummodes, menu_video

vid_wait (V)

Syntax: vid_wait <value>

Default: 0

From techinfo.txt:

viewframe (X)

Syntax: viewframe

This command reports "No viewthing on map" when run. It is used internally by Quake and is recommended not to be accessed by the user.
Thanks to Phrog`gee <> for information on this command.

viewmodel (X)

Syntax: viewmodel

This command reports "No viewthing on map" when run. It is used internally by Quake and is recommended not to be accessed by the user.
Thanks to Phrog`gee <> for information on this command.

viewnext (X)

Syntax: viewnext

This command reports "No viewthing on map" when run. It is used internally by Quake and is recommended not to be accessed by the user.
Thanks to Phrog`gee <> for information on this command.

viewprev (X)

Syntax: viewprev

This command reports "No viewthing on map" when run. It is used internally by Quake and is recommended not to be accessed by the user.
Thanks to Phrog`gee <> for information on this command.

viewsize (V)

Syntax: viewsize <value>

Default: 100

Set the screen size.

See also: sizedown, sizeup

volume (V)

Syntax: volume <volume>

Default: 1.0

Set the volume for sound playback.

See also: play, playvol

wait (C)

Syntax: wait

Wait a game tic.


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