Course Text

Reading List

The course textbook is:

Programming with MPI by Peter Pacheco

The readings for the course are:

  1. Introduction, Chapter 1.
  2. Overview of parallel architectures and parallel programming models, Chapter 2.
  3. Writing simple MPI programs, Chapter 3
  4. Debugging and common errors in writing parallel programs, Chapter 9
  5. Going from sequential to parallel codes: examples, Chapter 4
  6. Judging the performance of your parallel code, Chapter 11, 12
  7. Collective Communication and Data Distribution, Chapter 5, pgs 35-36, Chapter 10 (pgs 217-224)
  8. Topologies, Section 7.6
  9. Different kinds of send-receive communication, Chapter 13
  10. Communicators, Chapter 7
  11. Derived Data Types, Chapter 6

Maintained by Lori Pollock. Last modified February 2, 2000.